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.21 changed my name back to Max, is there a file I can edit to change it back to my real name? Thanks.

You could open the console (by pressing Shift+O) and type: $ p_name = "My name", that should set the name to something different.

Anyone have a ling to a walkthrough for the latest release??

Bug: During the shower scene with Rachel, when the camera focuses down on the penetration, the main character is headless. It made for a rather amusing, but somewhat distracting visual. 

Other than that, I've loved it so far. I'm not usually into visual novels. I like more RP/Adventure type stuff but this one was rather gripping and I look forward to more updates. Kind of wish there was a bushless option, but that's more of a personal preference. Least I got Bella and Rachel! :-)

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That sounds might uncomfortable, going to look into it.

Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it!

No problem. I made a back up save on the scene if you want me to send it too you. I mean, I wont lie, I'm surprised I noticed it since it's clearly not where your eyes go to first!

Hey man i love this game im just curious of mow many updates are left until the full game cause i wanna wait until its fully out so i can play the full game my fave character is rachel and i wanna see how her story line ends also when i get some more money i will become a patron

Hey, thanks for considering to become a patron! There are three updates left v0.21 (just released on Patreon), v0.22 and v0.23 will be the end of Sisterly Lust.

Deleted 4 years ago
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To my mind, Sisterly Lust's story has run its course and I've been developing it for the past two years. The next project is also going to be a VN, but a sci-fi themed one, a little more heavy on the narrative side, but also with plenty of erotic scenes.

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Will you be uploading the newest uncensored version on here ? I cant find 1 with the incest patch installed for android

Yes, v0.21 will eventually (coming September) be uploaded here, patch included.

Just curious are there endings with solo paths on the siblings or is it mainly just the path the guide shows?

There will be endings for the solo paths, but they'll be in the last release.

Deleted 5 years ago

Where is a link to your Discord? Or is that reserved for Patreons only? Also are you making a sequel or finishing the Story? Lastly I'm strongly considering becoming a Patron at the highest tier especially if your going to continue with this game or make others. I've really enjoyed it and become addicted to playing. Sadly i don't think there is anything new for me to discover at the moment.

The Discord is patron-only for the moment, I might open it to the public at some point. Sisterly Lust will be finished in a couple of updates, but the plans for my next project are already lined up. I'll post about them here after the final update of the current project has been released here as well. Thank you for considering to become a patron, that means a lot!

I'll sign up as soon as the month is over. Patreon bills at the first of every month

 So it's in my best interest to wait.


But now, everything has changed after his sudden death. During your fathers funeral

you mean Father's? or does the MC have many dads that all died on the same date. Not that I expect much effort form a porn making daz3d model using renpy game dev.


Typo is fixed in the next release.

do you have to be such a cunt. the games quite good youre literally nit picking for no reason. and the developers have clearly put a lot of effort into it so stop bing a dick for no reason 

You*; Or*; date?*; from*; 

Not that we expect much of an effort from uncultured cremlings such as you. 

Hey, I love the game. I noticed that at one point a character refers to a game as "abandonware". In that context you mean "vaporware". Abandonware is old games that aren't supported by the publisher anymore. Vaporware is a game that hasn't come out and may never come out.

You're right! Should be fixed in the next version.


i am not playing this bcs its an adult game anymore i am playing it bcs of the story XD

Can any one tell me how i can fuck liza, its impassable, i couldnt

If you are looking for a way to fuck liza(or whatever you named her) there are walkthroughs

My english not very good, so i didnt understand that, i just want how to get the big sister, please help me if you can

Id love to give the game a try and maybe from their throw some money from support if I enjoy it but it can't even start on Android which is my one and only platform. has an error code pop up as it's loading the game. Doesn't even get to the home screen

That could be a permissions error, I've detailed a workaround in the FAQ here:
This bug should hopefully be fixed in the v0.21 release.

Could you create a web version of this game? 1GB is massive

I might be able to, but as it takes some time to prepare this will only be released as soon as the game is finished.

The new update I love it and cant wait to see what happens next.

Deleted post

When Rachel walks into the shower run after her then knock at the door and then at the first dinner tell the truth about settling in don't lie about it, and when you got to her room and shes having a shower watch and masturbate. I think doing those gets you to the point where you can take her on a date, if not just google Sisterly Lust walkthrough

At the first, when you are musterbate and she find you

Key seems to be say nothing about Ana's attitude

Loved it, looking forward to future updates


This game is amazing, i couldn't be happier unless it is finished.

(1 edit)

For some reason the game isn't downloading, I have downloaded the game before without issue. Also once the screen says An Exeption has occured if you hit ignore the game story doesn't progress, this is the only reason I ever deleted the game. Has this issue been fixed? This is on android and after I allowed permissions.

It could be that the remnants of the old installation are interfering with the new version. Maybe some game data is still present, in that case deleting the directory should help, it's normally stored in devicestorage/Android/data/

I have attempted this game several times, i give up

when is the next update?

Right?! I wanna know how this will end

Pretty sure on a comment from not to long ago further down perveteer said that the next update will come out some time August as they are on holiday

Deleted post

This is probably due to a permissions error. A fix is detailed here in the FAQ:

Deleted post

spotted this beautiful piece of gaming a fw days back and I must say I am deeply in love with it. I can't wait to play the full release from start to finish.

-Many thanks for making this Perverteer

Thanks a lot CherryWhale! The final release of Sisterly Lust is rapidly approaching (probably three updates left) and the full game will be made available here as well, of course.

How to fix this. Its similar to error i found when I started the game and fixed by giving permissions. How bout this one?

You can safely click ignore in this instance (or whenever else it crops up), this will be fixed in the next version.

When will v0.20 be available here?

The next release is scheduled for July 23. Unfortunately, I'm on holiday in that period and the app doesn't allow for scheduled uploads, so the game will probably be updated here in early August, when I return.

Thank you ^^ It really is a wonderfully engaging game and I can't wait to see what v1.0 will bring if you have all this engaging story and character development ccomplished at build v0.19

Thanks a lot!

I've downloaded it on android but when i open the game it says an error has occured, what's wrong??? Pls help

Read further down in the comments, there is a way for you to fix the issue yourself relatively easily, I had the same problem lol

Yes, that looks like the permissions error, please see the FAQ for a possible fix:


Downloaded Android but it won't actually Unzip

I don't think the Android version is zipped, it should just be an APK.

Android doesn't come in a zip file, you probably downloaded the pc file

1st was indeed Mac file. Then I erased and downloaded the Android. Had file space excess. Just wouldn't open. Couple more days I might try again. For now if it won't load there's no reason to play.

This is probably due to a permissions error. A fix is detailed here in the FAQ:

(1 edit)

Hey Perverteer, I've been on (subscribestar) and I'd love to subscribe but I'm currently on SSI disability and don't know how much fundage I have to play around with every month and thus wouldn't know if I'd be able to afford a monthly subscription... Is there any plans on making a one-time purchase an option? Maybe have a flat price to purchase the game and have all future updates be included? Just curious. If not that's ok I am more than glad to wait for the free version here if necessary it just seems to me that for someone in my situation even if I have to save up for a while (hell I'd save for a year if I had to... no joke) to be able to afford it I'd gladly do so as I'm sure anyone else in my situation would be! Seriously loving your game... If I haven't made that clear enough in previous posts. haha

Also very curious about these "bonus" scenes mentioned there... It'd SUCK if I couldn't afford to get those. :(

Hey Drakan, Thanks a lot for your kind words! No problem if you can't afford a subscription. My plan is to release the full game (with extra scenes) here on for a fixed price as soon as it's completed. The game is wrapping up in a few updates so that moment is approaching soon. ;)

Hallo, ich finde dieses Spiel mega heiß. Und würde gerne weiterspielen. Nach Tag 38 ist es jedoch vorbei! Was muss ich tun, um weiterzuspielen? Gruß Rogi

Hallo, dieses Spiel wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Derzeit wird das Spiel nur bis zu einem bestimmten Tag gespielt. Sobald es erneut aktualisiert wird, erhöht sich die Anzahl der spielbaren Tage.

Ich habe "Google Translate" verwendet, um dies zu tippen. Ich kann kein Deutsch, ich hoffe du kannst meinen Beitrag verstehen. :)

does game update automaticlly with itch client

It should, I'm using the official tools to update the game builds. The latest version number should be v0.19.

man this game is good and i have to say that its better for my story not to have a kid because i dont want to have a kid and have sex with other girls. i would rather have sex with other girls without a child you see. who knows i might do it but im stuck on the decision. question: does this option ruin anything with the other girls and is the character ( no spoils :) ) ok with it?

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Thanks for the compliments! Regarding the pregnancy, no, it doesn't impact your relationship with the girls negatively, it just leads to different scenes at some points in the future.

oh ok thank you

I can not continue after typing the name please help:'( 

I haven't seen this bug reported in a while. But I believe it has something to do with the keyboard you're using, if that makes sense?

(1 edit)

I thought I'd add a comment for those of you who are having issues running this on android to help with manually fixing it (At least until an automated fix is implemented, Hope this is ok with you Perverteer)

To allow this app to make changes to the storage on your device, go to your device's settings then tap "Apps and notifications" (Android 9, might be different on your device or older OS versions) then scroll to this game and tap it, then tap "Permissions" (Android 9, might be different on your device or older OS versions) and enable storage. Start game and it should run after these steps if done correctly.

Hope it helps. :)

I have to say this is ranked pretty high on my favorite adult games list, I've played it on PC and Android and haven't had any problems with either the game runs smoothly on both as far as I can tell. Also it has really great location and character design and the storylines are just fantastic. I've pretty much made it to the end of the current build with all the characters, most recently with the Rachel and Bella story and I gotta say... The cliffhanger placement is killing me haha. Anyway I just wanted to say I love your game and hope you have as much fun making it as we do playing it. And of course keep up the good work! Anxiously looking forward to seeing what you do with it in the future.

Thanks a lot drakan259! The build here on will be updated to v0.19 tomorrow, so a couple of those cliffhangers will be resolved. Can't guarantee there won't be new ones though... ;)

Wow! Didn't expect an update so soon! Much appreciated!

Hey, I have just stumbled across this website and am very interested in playing your game, but I see it's still v0.18 at the moment; I'd like to wait for the next iteration to resolve some cliffhangers - will it still be updated today?


Yeah I misread the release schedule, so the public release is actually today.

How do we know when new content is available?


As soon as v0.19 is released publicly I'll post an update here and update the download links. Updating might be automatic if you use the client, I think.

This may be one of my favorite mobile games

Mobile does not work and displays this error

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/incest_patch.rpy", line 2, in <module>
  File "game/script.rpy", line 12, in set_special
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/storage/emulated/0/'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "incest_patch.rpyc", line 1, in script
  File "/data/user/0/", line 896, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "/data/user/0/", line 1929, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/incest_patch.rpy", line 2, in <module>
  File "game/script.rpy", line 12, in set_special
  File "/data/user/0/", line 438, in save
    f = file(fn + ".new", "wb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/storage/emulated/0/'


That's annoying. I think it's a permissions error. Could you give the app permission to use (external) storage? I'm going to think on a more permanent fix.

Ahh... I had forgotten about this one! I've played an older version a while back, but do remember I enjoyed it. Good to see you've decided to also release it on itchio (and uncencored as well) :)

By the way, the android version seems to be broken. The game starts up but is then followed up with an error screen. It won't load the main menu.

That's annoying. I think it's a permissions error. Could you give the app permission to use (external) storage? I'm going to think on a more permanent fix.

Well, the app is now playable when the storage permission is allowed

these are your sisters, and you live with your father, or lived * so.. you're a mid-30's guy? these DAZ3D models don't exactly convey the illusion of " a little sister " they are all in their 30's.

Deleted post
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