Does anyone know a guide that shows you the actions to take the achieve relationships with the rest of your family. I played the game fully through but even though i tried to make actions that i thought would lead to a sex scene with the family didnt work. Im probably missing something but i just wanted to know if theres a guide to achieve desired results.
Sister Lust have a lot of stories you can add on, I know you want to move on, any chances someone can help you to keep developing more sisters lust? I will love to keep reading about this family. Thank you for this...
I do understand. The game has been my evening job, alongside my day job, for the better part of two years, so I'm itching do to something else for a while. I'm not ruling out returning to Sisterly Lust at some point, maybe doing a special or something.
Thank you for replying back to me, I do love this novel and im definitely supporting you in the next one.. my imagination is flying with all the scenarios can be done with sister lust.. thank you again.
The next public release will be in December and it will be the last release of the game. I should have a more definitive date for the public release later this month.
Hmmm, I've never seen that error before, but it might indicate that some vital files are missing from the build. Assuming you're on Windows, do you have antivirus enabled, could it maybe have quarantined certain files from the game?
Yes I'm on windows and I'll see if I can figure that out as I had this problem with another game too, the only antivirus is what came with win 10 and earlier versions of the game worked.
EDIT: I found a forum about the issue and it is missing files that should be in the game folders. The files are _renpysteam.pyd and steam_api.dll I guess here is the link to the forum
I've tried one of the downloads and I can't reproduce the issue, unfortunately. The Github thread mentions updating video drivers, but I'm not sure what that could solve as it concerns missing files in the Ren'Py directory. The fact that you have the issue with another game (also Ren'Py?) is however a strong indicator of something interfering on your end. Game optimizers or anti-virus might be the most realistic option, but you already mentioned don't run those.
If you learn more about the issue, I'd be interested to know more about it.
Yeah it seems to be almost random for me on whether any renpy games will work when I download them and redownloading and installing doesn't fix it. I'm not tech savvy enough to figure this out right now so hopefully someone else can help out.
OK so I just went back through to double check I was actually up to date for windows and I wasn't so now I feel like a complete idiot lol. I updated and now the game is running. Thank you for the help you tried to give me and sorry about wasting some of your time.
Thanks! First off, on 21.1, I finally played through my favorite arc- the Bella Sub + Liza (with Meghan and Riley) path. Unbelievable. As good as full harem is, and Bella love, this one is rockin. There are a few inconsistencies here and there (dialogue with Riley implies a relationship with MC's mom for example), but not many.
I am going to play the new version tonight, 'cause I can't wait, but I am also going to toss in some cashola later this week in thanks for such enjoyable content.
FYI - When traveling abroad, Google thinks that "perverteer" is a slavic word and tries to translate my results into another language. Thanks Google.
How do I open the zip file on android? I can download it from browser but I can't open the zip file even with winzip. I can't use the mega link because the file is too large.
Ah right. Seems automatically zips Android packages when uploading to their server. I'm not sure how to handle zip packages on Android, but you could try downloading from my own website: You can download the straight APK from there.
Hi there is a problem when i try to download the game each time it is downloaded to a certain point but then it stops and it shows me error-forbidden.(btw im on pc)
Just popped by to say this game is awesome! By far the best written game of its kind. Not to mention the incredible models. I've got to ask, visually, are any of the ladies inspired by real people? Fingers crossed at least Susan is designed upon a real woman!
Keep up the great work, can't wait for the next installment!
Thanks Rob! The girls weren't inspired by real people, but do resemble the type of girls I really like (Rachel and Bella). An curvaceous Susan sadly doesn't exist in the real world, I'm afraid.
Next installment will drop here soon in about four days!
The most intense game i ever play, i have finished 4 walk-through of this game ,but does anybody know is it Rachel the only one who can get pregnant? I have try to not creampie in Rachel as the result nobody will get pregnant. But one of my acquaintance who played this game told that he can get Bella pregnant. Sorry to say but pregnancy sex give me the real intense to keep playing this game. So let me know how to get others to pregnant, By the way keep up with this great work. Look forward for next update. Tehee
It's possible to get any of the main characters (Bella, Liza, Rachel and Mrs. Smith/Susan) pregnant. The steps to get there differ a little per girl and are resolved through a conversation with them. In the upcoming public release creampies will also be requirement for the pregnancy routes.
Your antivirus software could have flagged the .exe and quarantined it. If you exclude or whitelist and unzip the package again it should probably work.
Wow Max, thanks a lot for the thoughtful review and the compliments! If you'd be willing to support me on an ongoing basis, Patreon is currently the best platform. I'm on SubscribeStar too, but you'd be missing out on the extras and devlogs I post on Patreon.
The Patreon guidelines are pretty strict about types of sexual content and as hosts the taboo edition of the game I'm a little hesitant to link to it. Patreon also blocks 18+ content by default, so lewd projects are virtually undiscoverable on their website. It really sucks, but I guess it's something we have to cope with. :(
Thanks for becoming a patron, your support really means a lot!
That is shadow banning by Patreon. May I suggest checking out Perverteer's page at I found that to be an awesome place to get any extra content.
Thanks so much! I think you can just copy the save files to an external card with a file explorer app on Android. The saves should be located here: SD:/Android/data/
I just wanted to state how much I enjoyed the game. Cannot wait for the next updates.
Just wanted to ask a few things however. What are the expected release dates for v0.22 and v0.23? Will v0.23 be the last update for the game and what are your plans for after the final update?
Thanks! The next update (v0.22) will be released here on October 27th. I'm taking some extra time for the last release (v0.23) to get all the endings right. Patrons will get their hands on it sometime in November and it will drop here in December.
far the best erotic novel in times.... i've one sugestion... can you devs add footjob scenes and add the footjob in the fetish session. im hope you think about that, its the most popular fetish,
Starting from v0.21.1 (available here) you can change the names of the girls on the statistics screen (top right corner of the screen). It's also possible via the Ren'Py console, but that's a little more involved.
Maybe the best erotic visual novel i've played by now. Despite the fact that i'm kind of new in this genre, i strongly recommend it!
- Plot: 5/5 - Graphics: 5/5 - Game lenght: Long enough to keep you playing for a while.
Apart from the fact that the game itself can take you long to finish, the developer focuses on being able of choosing very different paths trhough the tittle. So you can actually go back and try for another ending.
Ok I've tried everything but I can't ever get the game to download or run for Android. I got the file extracted but it refused to download. I've been trying to play this for months and it hasn't worked even once for me.
That really weird. There are a lot of Android players and the game seems to run fine for them. Am I correct the game doesn't install? Do you get an "App was not installed" error? What kind of Android device (arm, arm64 or something else) do you have and what version of the OS are you running?
I know I keep coming back and . Yeah the game doesn't install and I get "there was a problem parsing your pacage" after trying to download the extracted file. I'm on a Motorola g6 and the os is android 9 I believe
I'm really at a loss in this case. Do you have antivirus installed on the phone, or anything that could interfere with installation? It could be that your device is incompatible. I've built a arm64 apk for another user with install problems, maybe you could give this version a try:!8PAxhYpJ!7RDJaLiLEA5592t_PUBplFp2BG126dn2AG3ejGkG4fY
I just wanted to say this is probably the most amazing free erotic visual novel I have found. You will find me on your patreon in the near future good sir/mam. Thanks for all the effort you have put into this and not abandoning it. I look forward to checking out your next masterpiece from the raw beginnings :)
Thanks a lot for the kind words and for considering to become a patron! The public release of the new project will also be posted here, hope you'll enjoy that one just as much!
Good story but it's very frustrating, if you miss even one plot point you lose 25-50% of the game within the first 10 days or so. Even being careful I've completely lost Rachel every single game and had to start over. There needs to be some sort of way back if you miss something. Some way to pick up a lost relationship.
I'm sorry to hear that. The relationships are a series of choices leading up to the actual relationship being flagged. There's Ren'Py's rollback feature of course, but that only rolls back up to a certain amount of scenes. The best way is to save early at key points, I'm afraid.
I guess you missed the opportunity to have a relationship with Rachel. You need to set up a movie date early in the game and be generally supportive of her ideas and not boast to her.
You can propose the movie date on Day 4 if your trust is high enough (at least 4). The date itself happens on Day 6 and is the first time you can sleep in her bed after the date.
I you use the client updating can be done from there. Otherwise you can just download the new package for Windows, unzip and play. The save files for the game are store elsewhere, but it's best to check if the "saves" directory from the old install isn't populated with save files.
Mrs. Smith/Susan is a dominant character, her friend Adriana being a sub. Bella has two paths, one romantic, the other submissive. And lastly, there's Alina who's submissive too.
If you'd like to support the game on Patreon at the $ 10,- you get the new version of the game at release time as well as access to previews and bonus renders. $15+ supporters get the game with extra sex scenes.
The final version of Sisterly Lust will be offered here eventually as well, including the extra scenes for a fixed price.
I'm not going to lie, I'm about to forgo streaming sites and spend my money on patreon I'm loving so many different games, and yours my good sir is no exception. If there is any way I can help yall make a better games, through patreon or hell if I'm lucky enough, QA plz do let me know. You are doing amazing work
Thanks a lot toby! Comments like these are why I like to develop lewd games. Supporting on Patreon would of course be a nice, but absolutely not expected. You do get some bonuses for being a patron, of course. ;)
I DL the Android version. It stages and then I Get the option to install. It just say "app was not installed" after going through an installation routine. any ideas? I have plenty of space and it hasn't asked about permission. Just doesn't install.
Nope I've deleted the DL and any reference I can find. And after redownload in I get the same issue. Is there a certain Android version? Im running 9.somethimg
That's really weird. What architecture are you running arm, arm64? There's a new update out and there might be a small chance it'll remedy your situation. Without actual access to the same device it's quite hard to debug these errors, I'm afraid.
Okay I cleared 4.5 gig downloaded the game via the link here. After staging there's 3.1 gigs left. Still won't install. I'm using an Android 9 OS not sure what arm-64 is . And I have definitely allowed the system to install their party apps. I tried the default unpacker and installer that came with the packet. And I used fx explorer which I DL'd cause another game needed it too stall. Still says "app not installed" so I will have to give up on this one unlessthere are any insights?
Ah thanks! Do you perhaps Google Play Protect installed? This application can cause problems with sideloaded APKs. To disable:
Open "Play Store" > Menu button > "Play Protect" > Disable "Scan device for security threats".
I you haven't got that application installed or it still doesn't work, could you perhaps email me at I might be able to send you an APK specifically for arm64.
So I have a question.. Tbh I am going to support this cuz why nawt?? And also I am curious about what corruption means. Does it increase erotic scenes or decrease the chance. And its also irritating trying to figure out how to impress Rachel lol.. Any tips?
The corruption increases the chance of seeing erotic scenes and of having a relationship with the girls. The statistics become less important as the game progresses, relying more on choices.
If I remember correctly, Rachel can be impressed by going with her to the movies and being supportive of her insecurities and not boasting about your sexual prowess to her.
Alright! Thanks for that little walkthrough there.. I will attempt to do this.. I already won over Liza and Bella.. Rachel was the main one I was hoping to go for however so I appreciate your response.
That could be a permissions error, I've detailed a workaround in the FAQ here: This bug should hopefully be fixed in the v0.21.1 release which'll be released later this month.
← Return to game
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Does anyone know a guide that shows you the actions to take the achieve relationships with the rest of your family. I played the game fully through but even though i tried to make actions that i thought would lead to a sex scene with the family didnt work. Im probably missing something but i just wanted to know if theres a guide to achieve desired results.
Yes there is one available through Perverteer's patreon
Sister Lust have a lot of stories you can add on, I know you want to move on, any chances someone can help you to keep developing more sisters lust? I will love to keep reading about this family. Thank you for this...
I do understand. The game has been my evening job, alongside my day job, for the better part of two years, so I'm itching do to something else for a while. I'm not ruling out returning to Sisterly Lust at some point, maybe doing a special or something.
Thank you for replying back to me, I do love this novel and im definitely supporting you in the next one.. my imagination is flying with all the scenarios can be done with sister lust.. thank you again.
The next public release will be in December and it will be the last release of the game. I should have a more definitive date for the public release later this month.
So I updated the game here and downloaded through your website and neither works. I get an error which from what I see on the log is reported as
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
I don't know if it is something wrong with your upload or something going on else where but I figured I can't be the only one with issues.
Hmmm, I've never seen that error before, but it might indicate that some vital files are missing from the build. Assuming you're on Windows, do you have antivirus enabled, could it maybe have quarantined certain files from the game?
Yes I'm on windows and I'll see if I can figure that out as I had this problem with another game too, the only antivirus is what came with win 10 and earlier versions of the game worked.
EDIT: I found a forum about the issue and it is missing files that should be in the game folders. The files are _renpysteam.pyd and steam_api.dll I guess here is the link to the forum
I've tried one of the downloads and I can't reproduce the issue, unfortunately. The Github thread mentions updating video drivers, but I'm not sure what that could solve as it concerns missing files in the Ren'Py directory. The fact that you have the issue with another game (also Ren'Py?) is however a strong indicator of something interfering on your end. Game optimizers or anti-virus might be the most realistic option, but you already mentioned don't run those.
If you learn more about the issue, I'd be interested to know more about it.
Yeah it seems to be almost random for me on whether any renpy games will work when I download them and redownloading and installing doesn't fix it. I'm not tech savvy enough to figure this out right now so hopefully someone else can help out.
OK so I just went back through to double check I was actually up to date for windows and I wasn't so now I feel like a complete idiot lol. I updated and now the game is running. Thank you for the help you tried to give me and sorry about wasting some of your time.
No worries, really glad you got it all going! Hope you enjoy the game.
Any info on when the next public build will be available here? I've been checking back all day :-p
Wondering the same. 0.22 is available to patrons only.
I am seeing that 0.21 stops before any wedding proposal or island escape. Do you see the same?
The scheduled release happened when I was already asleep, but I've updated the builds here too, so you should be able to play v0.22.1 right now!
Thanks! First off, on 21.1, I finally played through my favorite arc- the Bella Sub + Liza (with Meghan and Riley) path. Unbelievable. As good as full harem is, and Bella love, this one is rockin. There are a few inconsistencies here and there (dialogue with Riley implies a relationship with MC's mom for example), but not many.
I am going to play the new version tonight, 'cause I can't wait, but I am also going to toss in some cashola later this week in thanks for such enjoyable content.
FYI - When traveling abroad, Google thinks that "perverteer" is a slavic word and tries to translate my results into another language. Thanks Google.
Thanks a lot for that great review! Hope you'll enjoy the latest version just as much.
And Google is really weird sometimes. ;)
after i come back from holiday the game just kind of ends and i cant do anything else Day 21 ish
Maybe you accidentally ended the relationships by walking in on people?
How do I open the zip file on android? I can download it from browser but I can't open the zip file even with winzip. I can't use the mega link because the file is too large.
Android shouldn't be a zip package, but an apk. This article details the steps to sideload an APK onto your Android device:
I mean I often download apks without issue, but the one I get when I click this game download is labelled. zip
Ah right. Seems automatically zips Android packages when uploading to their server. I'm not sure how to handle zip packages on Android, but you could try downloading from my own website: You can download the straight APK from there.
Hi there is a problem when i try to download the game each time it is downloaded to a certain point but then it stops and it shows me error-forbidden.(btw im on pc)
That might indicate a problem with's servers. Do you have trouble downloading the game from here: ?
Thanks a lot for the reply i ll try to dowmload it from the link
I downloaded on android and got "app not installed". Help
Did you allow installations from unknown sources? You can enable this here:
Settings > Security > Unknown Sources
If that doesn't help you could try to disable Google Play Protect if it's enabled.
Open "Play Store" > Menu button > "Play Protect" > Disable "Scan device for security threats".
Also, did you rename the apk or execute it from an SD-card?
I've also built a arm64 apk for another user with install problems, maybe you could give this version a try:!8PAxhYpJ!7RDJaLiLEA5592t_PUBplFp2BG126dn2AG3ejGkG4fY
Just popped by to say this game is awesome! By far the best written game of its kind. Not to mention the incredible models. I've got to ask, visually, are any of the ladies inspired by real people? Fingers crossed at least Susan is designed upon a real woman!
Keep up the great work, can't wait for the next installment!
Thanks Rob! The girls weren't inspired by real people, but do resemble the type of girls I really like (Rachel and Bella). An curvaceous Susan sadly doesn't exist in the real world, I'm afraid.
Next installment will drop here soon in about four days!
Amazing! Thanks for the reply, I'll keep my eye out for it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't gutted but maybe one day I'll find my Susan 🤣
The public release will be v0.22.1, so yes the bugfix is already included. Wouldn't be fair otherwise. ;-)
The most intense game i ever play, i have finished 4 walk-through of this game ,but does anybody know is it Rachel the only one who can get pregnant? I have try to not creampie in Rachel as the result nobody will get pregnant. But one of my acquaintance who played this game told that he can get Bella pregnant. Sorry to say but pregnancy sex give me the real intense to keep playing this game. So let me know how to get others to pregnant, By the way keep up with this great work. Look forward for next update. Tehee
It's possible to get any of the main characters (Bella, Liza, Rachel and Mrs. Smith/Susan) pregnant. The steps to get there differ a little per girl and are resolved through a conversation with them. In the upcoming public release creampies will also be requirement for the pregnancy routes.
Tq 4 the info, look foward for the update. Great work ever sir/madam 😊
You're welcome and thanks a lot!
Hey does anyone knows why the game dosent want to boot up? Its just saying that Sl.exe is missing or something. What sholud I do
Your antivirus software could have flagged the .exe and quarantined it. If you exclude or whitelist and unzip the package again it should probably work.
Wow Max, thanks a lot for the thoughtful review and the compliments! If you'd be willing to support me on an ongoing basis, Patreon is currently the best platform. I'm on SubscribeStar too, but you'd be missing out on the extras and devlogs I post on Patreon.
The Patreon guidelines are pretty strict about types of sexual content and as hosts the taboo edition of the game I'm a little hesitant to link to it. Patreon also blocks 18+ content by default, so lewd projects are virtually undiscoverable on their website. It really sucks, but I guess it's something we have to cope with. :(
Thanks for becoming a patron, your support really means a lot!
That is shadow banning by Patreon. May I suggest checking out Perverteer's page at I found that to be an awesome place to get any extra content.
Thanks so much! I think you can just copy the save files to an external card with a file explorer app on Android. The saves should be located here: SD:/Android/data/
I just wanted to state how much I enjoyed the game. Cannot wait for the next updates.
Just wanted to ask a few things however. What are the expected release dates for v0.22 and v0.23? Will v0.23 be the last update for the game and what are your plans for after the final update?
Thanks! The next update (v0.22) will be released here on October 27th. I'm taking some extra time for the last release (v0.23) to get all the endings right. Patrons will get their hands on it sometime in November and it will drop here in December.
Great story, great cg, great script.
I can hardly play other games after playing this one, this game sets new standard for me, it's so good!
Oh and one more extra point for Sweetroll ;)
Thanks so much! Hope you'll enjoy the other project that's cooking here, more on that later this month.
10/10 simply
far the best erotic novel in times.... i've one sugestion... can you devs add footjob scenes and add the footjob in the fetish session. im hope you think about that, its the most popular fetish,
especially with Rachel, it would look really cute
Thanks a lot Iluminous! Feet are indeed a very popular fetish, I'll think about it, but the inclusion will probably in the next project.
is there anyway to change the names after ive started playing? im pretty far in and didnt realize it would be nice to have my own name in the dialog
Starting from v0.21.1 (available here) you can change the names of the girls on the statistics screen (top right corner of the screen). It's also possible via the Ren'Py console, but that's a little more involved.
Maybe the best erotic visual novel i've played by now. Despite the fact that i'm kind of new in this genre, i strongly recommend it!
- Plot: 5/5 - Graphics: 5/5 - Game lenght: Long enough to keep you playing for a while.
Apart from the fact that the game itself can take you long to finish, the developer focuses on being able of choosing very different paths trhough the tittle. So you can actually go back and try for another ending.
Hoping for perverteer to keep working on it!
Thanks for the glowing review, really appreciate it!
Ok I've tried everything but I can't ever get the game to download or run for Android. I got the file extracted but it refused to download. I've been trying to play this for months and it hasn't worked even once for me.
That really weird. There are a lot of Android players and the game seems to run fine for them. Am I correct the game doesn't install? Do you get an "App was not installed" error? What kind of Android device (arm, arm64 or something else) do you have and what version of the OS are you running?
I know I keep coming back and . Yeah the game doesn't install and I get "there was a problem parsing your pacage" after trying to download the extracted file. I'm on a Motorola g6 and the os is android 9 I believe
Did you allow installations from unknown sources? You can enable this here:
Settings > Security > Unknown Sources
If that doesn't help you could try to disable Google Play Protect if it's enabled.
Open "Play Store" > Menu button > "Play Protect" > Disable "Scan device for security threats".
Also, did you rename the apk or execute it from an SD-card?
I allow installations from unknown sources and have Google play protect disabled. Also I haven't renamed the file or executed it from the ad card.
I'm really at a loss in this case. Do you have antivirus installed on the phone, or anything that could interfere with installation? It could be that your device is incompatible. I've built a arm64 apk for another user with install problems, maybe you could give this version a try:!8PAxhYpJ!7RDJaLiLEA5592t_PUBplFp2BG126dn2AG3ejGkG4fY
I want to ask a question, i'm playing the game on my android so if I install the latest version 21.1. will my save data be safe or not?
Yes, you should backup your saves, unfortunately. They're stored on the SD card somewhere. This should be the location:
I don't own an Android device, but you'll probably be able to copy the files using a file manager application.
Thank you so much. I already found my save data, now i can install the newest version without worries.
Great, glad you got it sorted out. Enjoy the update!
I just wanted to say this is probably the most amazing free erotic visual novel I have found. You will find me on your patreon in the near future good sir/mam. Thanks for all the effort you have put into this and not abandoning it. I look forward to checking out your next masterpiece from the raw beginnings :)
Thanks a lot for the kind words and for considering to become a patron! The public release of the new project will also be posted here, hope you'll enjoy that one just as much!
dear creator, when is expected date of next version release ?
v0.22 currently on Patreon will be released here on October 27.
Good story but it's very frustrating, if you miss even one plot point you lose 25-50% of the game within the first 10 days or so. Even being careful I've completely lost Rachel every single game and had to start over. There needs to be some sort of way back if you miss something. Some way to pick up a lost relationship.
I'm sorry to hear that. The relationships are a series of choices leading up to the actual relationship being flagged. There's Ren'Py's rollback feature of course, but that only rolls back up to a certain amount of scenes. The best way is to save early at key points, I'm afraid.
How do you view your relationship status with the characters
There should be a heart icon on the top right corner of your screen. You can enable it in the settings if you don't see it.
Is this the last scene so far?
And also why so far nothing has happened between me and Rachel ?

Note: I have the latest version
Yup, that's the last scene.
I guess you missed the opportunity to have a relationship with Rachel. You need to set up a movie date early in the game and be generally supportive of her ideas and not boast to her.
Is this opportunity occurred before ana or alina scene ?

You can propose the movie date on Day 4 if your trust is high enough (at least 4). The date itself happens on Day 6 and is the first time you can sleep in her bed after the date.
I you use the client updating can be done from there. Otherwise you can just download the new package for Windows, unzip and play. The save files for the game are store elsewhere, but it's best to check if the "saves" directory from the old install isn't populated with save files.
What desisions have to be made to unlock the paths/ending with the women being dom? Which characters can do that?
Mrs. Smith/Susan is a dominant character, her friend Adriana being a sub. Bella has two paths, one romantic, the other submissive. And lastly, there's Alina who's submissive too.
whats the difference between the free version and if i wana support the game?
If you'd like to support the game on Patreon at the $ 10,- you get the new version of the game at release time as well as access to previews and bonus renders. $15+ supporters get the game with extra sex scenes.
The final version of Sisterly Lust will be offered here eventually as well, including the extra scenes for a fixed price.
I'm not going to lie, I'm about to forgo streaming sites and spend my money on patreon I'm loving so many different games, and yours my good sir is no exception. If there is any way I can help yall make a better games, through patreon or hell if I'm lucky enough, QA plz do let me know. You are doing amazing work
Thanks a lot toby! Comments like these are why I like to develop lewd games. Supporting on Patreon would of course be a nice, but absolutely not expected. You do get some bonuses for being a patron, of course. ;)
when is the v 20 going to be realesed
v0.20 is the current public release, but v0.21 will drop publicly tomorrow.
I DL the Android version. It stages and then I Get the option to install. It just say "app was not installed" after going through an installation routine. any ideas? I have plenty of space and it hasn't asked about permission. Just doesn't install.
Did you have an older version installed?
Nope I've deleted the DL and any reference I can find. And after redownload in I get the same issue. Is there a certain Android version? Im running 9.somethimg
That's really weird. What architecture are you running arm, arm64? There's a new update out and there might be a small chance it'll remedy your situation. Without actual access to the same device it's quite hard to debug these errors, I'm afraid.
I'm not sure what arm64 is sorry. But I will try the new build
Okay I cleared 4.5 gig downloaded the game via the link here. After staging there's 3.1 gigs left. Still won't install. I'm using an Android 9 OS not sure what arm-64 is . And I have definitely allowed the system to install their party apps. I tried the default unpacker and installer that came with the packet. And I used fx explorer which I DL'd cause another game needed it too stall. Still says "app not installed" so I will have to give up on this one unlessthere are any insights?
I used a benchmark app. It said: Introduction Sets: arm64
If that is what you were asking before?
Ah thanks! Do you perhaps Google Play Protect installed? This application can cause problems with sideloaded APKs. To disable:
Open "Play Store" > Menu button > "Play Protect" > Disable "Scan device for security threats".
I you haven't got that application installed or it still doesn't work, could you perhaps email me at I might be able to send you an APK specifically for arm64.
how much space is needed total? I have almost 4gb available still doesnt install
The Android package is no larger than 2 GB, from the top of my head.
So I have a question.. Tbh I am going to support this cuz why nawt?? And also I am curious about what corruption means. Does it increase erotic scenes or decrease the chance. And its also irritating trying to figure out how to impress Rachel lol.. Any tips?
The corruption increases the chance of seeing erotic scenes and of having a relationship with the girls. The statistics become less important as the game progresses, relying more on choices.
If I remember correctly, Rachel can be impressed by going with her to the movies and being supportive of her insecurities and not boasting about your sexual prowess to her.
Alright! Thanks for that little walkthrough there.. I will attempt to do this.. I already won over Liza and Bella.. Rachel was the main one I was hoping to go for however so I appreciate your response.
hi ..I downloaded the PC version and extracted it .. but when I clicked on sl.exe . I got this error"could not execute it missing?"
I think that might be your antivirus interfering with the download. Maybe the .exe was quarantined?
I disabled the antivirus
And that didn't work either with a fresh extraction?
NVM...I open the sl.exe right inside the archived file without extracting it first and it worked...when will the 0.21 version be uploaded
Ah, glad you got it working! v0.21 will drop here on the 25th.
Is there any official walkthrough of this game? I can't really find one on the Internet
dont mind can i know next update v 0.22 release date
It downloaded and installed but when I open to play it this happens for android. Is this a bug?
That could be a permissions error, I've detailed a workaround in the FAQ here:
This bug should hopefully be fixed in the v0.21.1 release which'll be released later this month.