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Episode 9 is already out in some other places, when is it coming for If not, where can we get it?


The public release of each episode is one month after patrons on Patreon and SubscribeStar get the release. Episode 9 will release here today in a couple of hours.

Oooew.. A couple of hours :)  Cant wait

Thank you for this! How would android players update the game?


I'm not sure how to update on Android, as I don't own a device myself. Maybe someone with an Android device has some pointers?

That's alright, thank you! I'm really loving this game, just for the story of it more than the sex although that's a bonus too. Also, can I say, thank you so much for Raene as a character, I really love her entire plotline and you implemented it so well and respectfully and so thought out, it's really good.

Very glad to hear that! As for Raene, her storyline will be featured in Episode 10 again.

Can't wait!


It's out!

yeah did great. The politics twist caught me off guard haha

already antsy for another episode haha

When the next update is out, how will mobile users get it? Will they have to uninstall and redownload it with the new update?

Tbh tho I kinda hope this game keeps going. Kinda like a series, like episode in a series basically. Sooo much can come out of TFTUV universe and id love to see how far it goes.

Just curious, will there be more with lily in this update? Still awesome game cant wait for more. SL was great and TFTUV is just kicking it up more

Glad to hear that! There' s certainly more Lilly in the upcoming update.

Love all the characters but lily is Fiesta and fun too me

Today is 28th.... What's your time zone?

I was wondering if you'd made any other games and I decided to check on your profile! This looks so good and it seems there's a new update tomorrow so this is a good time to start!

Any idea of the date version 9 comes out?

In one day, on the 28th.


Doing great brother... keep up the good work.. waiting for ep9


last year spoiled me... dont make me put all you content creators back into covid lockdown just to get some more games made ;) 

(1 edit)

ive also only just strangely noticed that while spending time alone with aven,i noticed a picture on the wall that bares a very striking resembalance to Bella from sisterly love, and she is wearing a very small red bikini, i presume that is an easter egg? if it is am really pleased, because my first play through of that game, same me and bella running off to belugio or whatever its called and getting married that game was utterly surreal, just wish you would update the graphics and have the same animation as here, because that game is so worth it with much better graphics and animation. it would be a shame if you didnt make a special edition of that game with using the same as animation as here, because for one I would buy it all over again if you did and i am more than sure a great many other people would too! just make the scenes a lot longer than a few second ;)


That's certainly an easter egg. A couple of bonus renders are present in the MC's cabin.

Remastering Sisterly Lust and adding animations would be a monumental task. I'm developing these games in my spare time, so unfortunately I have to divide my attention.


maybe when you have completed this avn, maybe it would be possible to either redo SL or make SL2? i know loads of people love that avn and given the amazing work you have done so far with this avn, it would be amazing and i would definitely be one of the first ones to buy it just like this avn when you release it for purchase. your an awesome developer, very fast response and helpful information, thank you so much!

I'm still thinking of doing short story DLC for Sisterly Lust, but I lack the time currently. Remastering the first game would be a tiresome process, so I don't think that'll happen.


it's a shame you don't have the time and I fully understand that, not enough hours in the day and barely any time to yourself. it's just a shame really because SL would really look great and benefit greatly with these better animations you use, but I do understand why you cannot its just sad really.  I am wondering when you're done with this, is there a possibility of SL2 or something like it in the future, I know a lot of people wouldn't hesitate to buy it for sure. really very sorry to be a pin asking repeatedly, I know your busy stuff and have much better things to do.

if you made a short dlc for SL would it incorporate the new renders and animations?

truly love the women but i am at chapter 8 and i am wondering specifically where this is in the game, because for some strange reason i am only with celine.  aven got close to me,  lilly doesnt seem to know what her feelings are or is not telling the mc at the mansion.

In terms of the harem, does this mean i can date and have sex with all of the women without affecting the relationships of the other women and is the group sex just with mc and all the girls ?  if it contains the below and all you have said, i have no idea why non this has occurred yet? i cant seem to form relationships with any of the girls, except maybe aven but i dont know.

if you could answer that would be great.  also do these relationships and pregnancies only start actually happening from chapter 9 onwards? so the mc has not got a single female, pregnant, stuck with celine.  what about FFFFM or FFFFFM?

The only group sex was a not very good threesome with those women rescued from milk farm factories...surely there is a lot more to come? I was really hope my mc can have relationships with all the woman and have sex with all at the same time. i just dont want or thrim there.?

  • Incest (Brother/Sister, Mother/Son, Brother/Sister/Mother)
  • Harem
  • BDSM (Sub & Dom, Optional)
  • Pregnancy (Optional)
(1 edit) (+1)

The relationships take a little while to develop. Céline is one of the few love interests with whom you can be in a relationship from the start. Aven and Lilly will develop over the course of the game, with things accelerating from Episode 8 and onwards.

The harem is for a later stage in the game, but it does indeed mean that you can pursue any woman you like without repercussions. A true harem will develop as soon as the various solo relationships with the various women have sufficiently progressed. The same goes for pregnancies. The relationship structure will be similar to what I've done in Sisterly Lust.

There are three group sex scenes (foursomes and above) currently. In episode 2, 5 and episode 8. More will follow and will include the love interests once they're ready. The male crew (Thim or Kit) won't be part of those scenes

thank you so much for your response and information, cant wait for you to complete this avn. really enjoyed the first part of it, one of the best avn's out there, its exceptional!

Deleted 1 year ago
(4 edits) (+1)

Just to pipe in, I believe Perverteer mentioned elsewhere that the game is still in the first of 3 planned acts, with the first act being ~10 chapters. (I believe around chapter 5 he said we were around 1/2 way through the first act)

E.g. it's still in the "introducing the characters/problem" stage.  Presumably Act 2 is where we're actually going to form serious relationships with most of the women as we figure out how to solve the problem, (and maybe solve the problem) and then act 3 is likely wrapping up the relationships. 

My *guess* is act 2 will end with the problem being solved in such a way as to result in a time jump allowing the pregnancies to develop such that they will be visible for the act 3 shenanigans.  I wouldn't expect much in the way of "Full Harem" until act 3, though I suspect we'll get partial scenes as they learn about/accept the other relationships towards the end of Act 2.

Also, I'm not sure the idea of a ship crewed by visibly pregnant women taking on the Sovereignty (or whatever it's called, I'm assuming their leaders end up being the big baddies), would really work/make sense, so I'd assume they mostly get pregnant on the eve of whatever "big solution" the author has planned for us in an "I want you to knock me up now in case you don't make it back" sort of way.)  I'd hope civilization would be advanced enough by that point that getting pregnant requires a  conscious decision, and not "oops, forgot to pull out". Particularly for members of a mixed sex Navy.

TLDR:  I don't believe we are anywhere near as far into the game as you think we are.  Finding the missing sister, I suspect, is merely the "learning the problem exists" stage.  It isn't anywhere near the actual conflict/resolution of the games plot.

P.S.  I am rather curious if it's going to be possible to get the Alien women pregnant  So far there's been no indication this is a "Star Trek" situation where all the intelligent races were seeded from a progenitor race, and are thus biologically compatible, nor has there been any examples (I'm aware of) given of cross species offspring.  However their relationships say "Pregnant:No" and not "NA", or simply no field as per Raene.  Which strongly suggests, (at least to me) that the option will be there.  I hope the author doesn't just "handwave" it though, and provides some sort of explanation. (some sort of high tech genetic sequencing/translation nanobots in a pill that have to be taken before sex or something that automatically converts the DNA in the sperm from "Human" DNA to something compatible with a specific target species?)

you have some great ideas especially about the pregnancies etc! Thanks for the information. I hadn't really followed anything on this avn, until someone mentioned it on steam, so i was sort of late to the party , which i am quite happy about, because i was able to play through act 8. I am a sucker for long avn's rather than the short and trashy stuff out there,  and this storyline is brilliant.  This developer is just awesome. I played one of his other games.  I am wondering what is full harem and can you get it here on

Yes, with Episode 9 we're firmly past the halfway point of Act 1. As for Act 2 and 3 I'd say you're more or less correct on the relationship progression. I'm not sure when I'm going to handle pregnancies, but the procedure will likely be the same as it was in Sisterly Lust. Getting Jade or Ziv pregnant is an interesting question, some DNA-magic would indeed need to happen.

To answer your question about the harem @sycopter, Sisterly Lust has a harem path where you can romance Rachel, Bella, Liza, Susan, Adriana, Riley and Iris (or a different configuration) at once.


Loving the game please keep up the great work. Can't wait for more!


One of the best stories I've played, all the characters are great. Literally can't find any issues just love this game please continue this its amazing

Thank you! I certainly will continue. ;)

yay! Amazing game cant wait until chapter 9. Also will I have to reinstall game with updates?

If you're running on Windows or Mac you should just be able to unzip the new package and all your saves should be there. Android is a little more involved, you need to make a backup of your saves before installing the new version.

would i have to make a back up if I'm ok with starting over? Love the story so yeah haha


I love this game man. Cant wait for 0.9. Also,  do you have adiscord server?

Certainly, you can join here if you want.




Thanks! Not sure if I can release daily, but regularly should be possible. ;)

Agreed 110%


Great game, excellent storyline. I've been reading Sci-fi for many years, and love the "what if Luke did more than kiss Leia" angle... <<<SPOILER>>

I just finished through the call to kill the creature that almost got Cam and am very surprised he didn't think to use the fungus in the caves to knock out the creature the first time (hint, hint!!!) And now he and Nadya know the creature's hunting ground it should be relatively easy to get trapped again in the cave but capture the beast by putting it to sleep. That oughta make the Priestess take notice...

Can't wait for more! Sisterly Lust too!!!


(I'm also a practiced copy and proofreader and would love to volunteer to help polish your narrative in a few spots to really improve the feel.)


Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm always interested in hearing people's thoughts about the narrative and improving what's already there. You can reach me at or via Discord if you have any pointers.


wonderful work.  I have liked both your projects and can't wait to see where3 this one leads


Looking forward to add this to my collection on steam

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

Just wanted to chime in on my love of the game. As many commenters have said, the plot of the game is amazing and the adult portion is just a sweet bonus. The storyline and characters are beautifully written and when Raene's secret was confirmed I literally squealed out loud with happiness. 

Thank you for the amazing representation and the love and care that you've so obviously put into this game. I can't wait for the next update to drop. ♡.


Thanks! Next update should drop here near the end of the month.

Sweet Im super excited

yes definitely can not wait :)

So can't wait this is amazing work!

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if I'm missing something since I had couple errors at the early stages, which went away after I turned off portraits. Playing 0.8 taboo edition

Anyway, I played through twice, first without guide then with the guide, and still ended in relations with only Celene and Aven, is this intentional? Seems bit odd since harem was mentioned in fetishes.

Also how do you turn on/off those optional fetishes? I didn't see anything in prefs or help.


The errors should be fixed in the upcoming v0.9.

Céline and Aven are the girl you can have an official relationship with as of yet. Others will be implemented as the story progresses further, eventually culminating in a harem.

The optional fetishes can be declined through dialogue and through the choices you make in the game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for clearing things out =) Haven't got anyone pregnant though, even stuffing everyone with cream, but that's not a big deal. Mostly to see if things go differently if one or two gets preg.

I don't know what's wrong ..

Its my 4th attempt to download this game but it always fails at 80%,, today was my 5th attempt.. 

Wifi and device are problems with other VN games.. 

It states (access is denied) client error..😭😭


Help 😭

Hey, The game was AWESOME, The story behind the characters and how it unfolds is incredible, Congratulations on the game and I really hope to see the end of this 'space odyssey'

Great game man, not because of the sex the story is super, but also the sex. I have been playing up to v0.6 and skip v0.7 and jump to v0.8. But whenever i was trying to play it, it doesn't run. The game opens but when i load a save file or start a new game, the whole game crash. If you can please help, I can't wait to play.

Do you want me to give you the log file?


Yes, a log file would be great for debugging purposes. Could you perhaps send it to



Hello, I would like to say that this game is really amazing, not only for the sex, but the story itself. But I have a question, when will the new episodes come out? And where they are going to go, And I would also like to know on what day the next version will be released. This game is amazing, Congratulations!

Thanks! It generally takes me two months to produce a new episode, sometimes three. Releases are available for patrons first on Patreon. Episode 9 will be available there near the end of the month. The next public release here on is one month after the patron release, so around the end of June.

Thanks for letting me know, but I have another question, is this new version also going to have subtitles in Portuguese? It is because I am Brazilian.

Yes, fortunately I my translator works very quickly. The past releases had the Portuguese translation of the new episode included, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to manage that for this release. I might release it as a patch though once it's ready.

Right!Thank you for taking all my doubts. Good work and good luck!

On android v0.8, on the save screen the lower half of the filename dialog box is covered by the virtual keyboard making it very difficult to actually save.

It this on a tablet or phone, because I believe I disabled the dialog box on phones?

A 10" tablet.

Ah, that might be the problem. I'll make sure it's disabled on all mobile devices in that case.

Thank you.

Deleted 1 year ago

I haven't released a new version yet, so that's correct.


Thank you for the excellent game. I love the adventures and the characters. I can't wait til next episode. I am at number 8 now but I know there is a lot of unresolved content. How long does it take to create an Episode


Thanks! Development of an episode generally takes two months.

I appreciate it. Can't wait wish I could be a patreon but I am just surviving. I do have a BFA degree in 3D modeling and basic 3D animation. How do you get into stuff like this?

No worries, I'm just as glad my work has an audience!

As for getting into games like these, a background in 3D really helps. The renders (and animations) of the game are made in DAZ3D, but you could do this in Blender as well if you have the skillset. The game itself is scripted in Ren'Py which is based on Python.


I really need romancing Raene to be an option... She is sooooo adorable


Yes, she'll be romanceable for sure!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Made an account just so I can comment on your game.
Love it!
All around great game.
Good story, animation, characters, etc.
Really excited for future chapters and the features you've added.
Little confused about the pregnancy feature though. Nutted inside every time, but nothing yet. Assuming you're still working on that?

Glad to hear that! Pregnancies are a planned featured, but will happen relatively late in the game.

Hello, I would like to know if you plan to put a translation in French like for Sisterly Lust?

I would love to, but so far I haven't found a French translator for the job.

i agree, the game needs more 'french' ;)  

Thim best girl, ngl would be really awesome if protag can romance him. protag is kinda a piece of shit, personality wise. game is great and art is great

Deleted post

Please new version please

I haven't played since v0.6 and now I'm trying to get my save to continue on v0.8 without crashing immediately. I forget how to do this, would you be able to help me?



I gonna say that again,your both games have made to my top 5 list of all the 118 games i've played. Extremely satisfied 😁😅

Cool, very glad to hear that!

Episode 7 when you are searching rooms for jade what am I supposed to do? Cause it only let's me look in them and then that's it then I can continue to look in them over and over without any dialog choice to move on

Are you running v0.7 or v0.8 of the game? This bug should be fixed in v0.8.

Deleted post

Thanks! Will fix that one.


Hello :) Here i am again. You do listen to your fans :) More Raene story... Yeeh :) 
It was once again a great chapter. Didnt found any bugs, The story develops amazing.. And as i saw another comment.. The sex stuff, is like a happy bonus (Couldnt agree more Overtake40 :) ) The only downfall.. Is that it's over before i know it. To short :s But yeah. Story and art takes time. Im gonna patiently wait again till the next chapter. Keep it up ^^ 

Deleted post

There's a loop in episode 7 where jade ask to find something, or is it bug though?... Bathroom,chair, bed.. that was all the option shown...

This should be fixed in v0.8.


i want to commend you on an outstanding update, but my god, you left the end of 0.8 on a tantalizing edge.

(1 edit)

Thanks! Hope you enjoy what's coming in Episode 9.

I'm sure I will. Any prediction on when that might arrive?

No firm release date yet, though previous releases were generally completed every other month.

sweet. Thank you and keep up the good work.

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