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How can I get the Grateful Vess scene. Seems like no matter what choices I make it won't unlock. Either way, can't wait for more keep up the good work!

Have you come up with a fix for the Android version going from season 1 to season 2? Unfortunately Android no longer allows access to data files so I cannot backup the save file from season 1 and I'm unable to install season 2 without uninstalling season 1. When I uninstalled season 1 I was able to install season 2 but season 2 will not run because uninstalling season 1 deleted save files.


Not yet, I'm afraid. I'm currently very busy with the release of Episode 15. Once that version of the game is released I'll have time to investigate this further.

Thank you for your quick reply keep up the good work. I really enjoyed the first part and will hopefully get to play the next season soon.

Version 0.12.1 is missing the Mac library files, please re-pack

Do you have trouble running the game, because it should (I have tested this on macOS)?

It doesn’t start at all. Mac OS Ventura.


If the game doesn’t run on macOS it could be quarantined by GateKeeper you can try the following:

  • Open
  • Write the following command: xattr followed by a space and drag the or from the Finder onto the terminal window
  • Press Enter, it should show as a result. If the text is not shown you’ve likely encountered another issue.
  • If the text is shown, type xattr -d  followed by a space and drag or onto the terminal window again
  • Press Enter and try to launch the game again.
(4 edits)


Question, in chapter 14 with the VR scenario, is that supposed to be the 'Crazy Lilly' from the personality alteration option in Season 1? Because, I didn't delete the VR, and I didn't go that route of changing Lilly's personality, but that's what showed up in Season 2. I went the route of just visiting the VR copies of Lilly and Eva, where it ends with Lilly running you off. Oddly, enough, that route felt like it was missing a lot of content interactions with Eva. I probably missed something somewhere. (Eva didn't accidently lock Lilly out of the house for 6 months, just because the phone didn't work when Lilly tried to call Eva to tell her that she lost her house keys...right? Hehe.)

Question: In the escape scene from ConVitae (or whatever it was called), there are 5 storage pods in the storage facility. Is there supposed to be 5 people in cold storage or only 4? Because I keep running the game to that point and can't figure out who I'm missing if it's supposed to be 5 people. Are there optional characters that could or might join your crew? (I mean, technically, you could have kidnapped the Doctor Girl as you left ConVitae as a later character option, but not for the missing 5th.) The girl from the milk factory? Melody, the girl from the Milk Mob Boss (G* something)? Or other [Optional characters]?

Sure, there's some other questions, but that's all I can think of at the moment (other than I've got a wicked sense of Deja Vu with the newer chapters for some reason. I mean, it hasn't even reached that point, but I actually have an image of the Warrior Women's planet blowing up because of those giant bugs - they were trapped on that planet and considered a galatic plague or something, so boom, someone blasted the place or something -  but that would be a near end game thing and the current chapters don't come even close. So...yeah...wicked Deja Vu going on).

Yes and no, Episode 15 will have a slightly different simulation storyline for the players who didn't delete the sim, but also didn't change her personality.

There are only four people in storage, the fifth pod is always empty.

Up until now there haven't been any exploding planets, but that could change, of course.

If you have any more questions, just let me know!

(1 edit)


MC: "Lilly meet Android/VR Sim Lilly."

MC: "Queen Eva meet Bro-con and soon-to-be android/Skynet Eva."

MC: "Ladies...   I only have a few things to say."







when is the next update planned Dev???..... By the way  loving rhe game so far doing good job :)


The next episode will drop early December on Patreon and it will be publicly released here in January around the same time.

Trying to go for a harem run,and I'm on ep. 10,but the relationship trackers says I'm not in a relationship with Lily. I also didn't unlock the lily sex scene in Ep. 9. What did I do wrong and can i still get into a Lily relationship at this point.

(2 edits)

Won't let me load Season 2 no matter what, keeps saying no save file in directory. Tried multiple different ways. Nothing has worked. Would really enjoy seeing the second part. Not gonna lie, if I have to play through the game again just attempting to solve this. I'm probably not going to try again. Great game, just seems your structure is not suited for android.


In that case the saved games from Season 1 were probably removed during the uninstallation of the app. If you have a backup of those saves you might be able to copy them to SD:/Android/data/com.perverteer.tftuv/files/saves/and continue the game in Season 2.

One of the major reasons for having multiple seasons is the app size limit imposed by Android, application bundles can't be larger than 2GB.

No it's not the multiple seasons aspect that does it I think, I've played other games with similar download structures, they don't have the same issues lol. Ya they definitely did get deleted, I even tried speed running through the game to get another save file, tried multiple other ways. Still none of it is working, noticed several others are having the same issue.

Also, I've tried everything to find the saves, they just don't seem to exist, I don't use an SD card, my device has over 100G of storage on its own, so might be hiding elsewhere. I'm just not sure.


Thanks for the followup. I've ordered an Android tablet and will investigate the whole update process. As soon as I have more news, I'll post an update here on

Anytime, glad I was able to assist in some way. Can't wait for the update 👌

Idk how you'd male this, but could you have a system where you get a code at the end of season one that you can put into season two that represents all your choices? Alternatively, could you just make season 2 a separate game that can access the save files from season 1? The second option would mean you download, install, and run season two without deleting season one

(1 edit) (+1)

Season 2 should share the save game directory with Season 1 (which is the case on Windows/Linux/macOS), but for some reason this doesn't work well on Android. I've ordered some Android hardware to investigate the issue, as soon as I know more I'll post an update here on

(2 edits)

season 1 and 2 cannot coexid on android, one always needs uninstalling.

Also, how do I get Yve's sex scene?

I had it on an old phone, but the option now never shows, just a pick for the "GTFO". I can't play without it!!

Literally couldnt find a way to manually back up saves from season 1, and season 2 says theres no save file, even though i had a complete game save from the first one before uninstalling

Season 2 will open but says i have to play season 1.  Season one downloads, extracts but then wont open on my Mac.  the Mac file is there and you click on it and just nothing happens. Help!


If the game doesn’t run on macOS it could be quarantined by GateKeeper you can try the following:

  • Open
  • Write the following command: xattr followed by a space and drag the or from the Finder onto the terminal window
  • Press Enter, it should show as a result. If the text is not shown you’ve likely encountered another issue.
  • If the text is shown, type xattr -d  followed by a space and drag or onto the terminal window again
  • Press Enter and try to launch the game again.

That worked, Thanks!

for unknown reasons i cant play season 2 on mac. it keeps saying i dont have season 1 save file but i do. i completed season 1 multiple times. please help im trying to play the new season lmaoo

Is there are file called Season1- followed by a random string of characters in the save game folder in ~/Library/RenPy/?

honestly im new to all of this and not a computer guy by any means so i have no idea how to even go about searching for that. lol sorry

If you open up the finder and navigate to /Users/yourusername/Library/RenPy you should be able to find the folder. Alternatively if go to the "Go" menu and choose "Go to folder" you should be able to paste the location ~/Library/RenPy/ and go there automatically.

ooooooo ok i foound that but there is not a file called season 1


Dev I have a Question : Is going to be next update = V0.15 or will it be start of  season 3 the next  update?  BTW love this game so far thnx for the gameplay

Help : I couldn't install season two android version on my cellphone, it shows the 0.1 Version, and season one is 0.1 version too.......😢😥😣😢😣😥

(1 edit)

Maybe I should paly the season one on my PC instead cellphone.And then the season two i guess.😂

New version wont install because it conflicts with old package. Why?


New version on android is not recognizing save files.

The new Android version only supports Season 2 saves, it doesn't contain the Season 1 content.

(1 edit)

It wont let me go from a finished season 1 to season 2.  I have tried 3 times. It worked fine with last version of season 2

Does the dialog that appears when pressing "Continue" on the main menu contain any saved games?

When I load the new season version it s is saying no saved games found.  I have done it three times and have tried to find my saved games through files before upgrading to move them but cannot find them using the file path provided on your site.

How come free edition on Android is 0.14 but extra scene one is 12.1? Will Android APK be updated to latest patch for extra scenes?

The extra scene version is the complete Season 1. Season 2 with extra scenes will be released here as well, once it's fully completed.

Great work on this, one of my favourites!!! When is the update coming to steam?

Season 2 will be released on Steam once it's fully completed.

Ok great, look forward to it :)


Since my RL was a bit busy lately, i didnt kept track of the episodes and when they release. So it was a nice suprise when it did :)
I like it that the last chapter is more story based and less sex. Shows how good of a story teller you are ^^
The ending was a true wtf..ow no.. moment.
Can't wait, for when the next part drops

I'm so lost. I'm in Episode 5 and every guide I find tells me 'Go after the girl' and yet that option doesn't appear. So did the game update to no longer having that option?


That scene is only available in the Extra Scenes edition of the game.

Ah. That makes more sense.

(1 edit)

Can anyone tell me how to get the jumping jade in the scene gallery

I cant get new update to install and cant move save files in order to do a reinstall but fuckit ill just do a whole new playthrough. Made a couple mistakes ive been meaning to fix

I played all of season 1 then tried to update to season 2 it wouldnt work. So then i backed up my saves by moving them to a new folder then uninstalled and installed season 2. I start it up to create the new folders in my phone. Then i try to move the old saves into the new saves but it wont let me.. im on android.


Having the same issue! :(

(1 edit)

Hi, i have this doubt about the option: Spoiler.








 "Suggest a harem" and "Dismiss the thought", which is the difference? bcause it seems the same end 

If you suggest to start a harem, you will be able to have group sex with all the women you're currently in a relationship with. Dismissing the thought essentially closes this option off for the characters involved.

Is it still possible to have harem then? With involving with each girls individually or we have to choose one?

(1 edit)

A full harem won't be possible in that case (if you dismiss the thought), so it would exclude Céline and Lilly. Separate relationships for each girl are also a possibility, but that's another branch in the game.

so a waste of option for harem,and time wasting extra storyline for you,i guess,well good but isn't there any other esy way for you,to give that option rather than making a complete storyline for that?

I'm afraid not, that's what all the branching is about. Sisterly Lust had it too, so the harem and relationships will be comparable to this.


Hello, I have problems installing volume 2, it downloads very well but after installation it says that the game was not installed and I do not know what to do, it is in the Android version.


Same here. Finished volume 1 (and loved it).  Downloaded volume 2 but it won't install. Uninstalled volume 1 and volume 2 would install but wouldn't load because it didn't see volume 1 installed or a save point from volume 1. Android of course. 

Just Finished Season 1, love it, just have a couple of questions. 

1. There are several instances where you're presented with a “yes” or “no” but actually it's either “yes” or “says no, but immediately gets forced to say yes anyway”. Is this something that you plan to look at in the future? Or are you completely focused on season 2? Also, it would be great to have more choice over who is in your crew. As the numbers pile up, there are some who don't really contribute anything and who you may not be interested in, so it would be great to have more choice over them. 

2. I own season 1 on steam, how would that work if i download the season 2 episodes on here? And how would it work if I then buy season 2 on steam when it releases? Do the versions detect each other? And what’s the difference between steam and here? 

Sorry for the long questions and thank you in advance.

Glad to hear you liked it!

As for the Yes/No questions, I'm curious if you have some examples? Generally, most of the choices you make are tracked and could have an impact on how certain characters behave later on in the game. The choices you've made in Season 1 will carry over to Season 2 (and 3) and will likely play a role in the ongoing narrative. As for the crew selection, it's mostly a matter of efficiency over customization. Each different crew roster would mean a different story branch, so it would complicate development exponentially. My previous game (Sisterly Lust), had optional pregnancies and a customizable harem for the main characters (TFTUV will have this as well). Creating the different render variants for all those different pregnancy/harem configurations was an ordeal on its own.

That said, the core crew will not grow in numbers beyond Season 1. Also, if you don't want a romance or don't want to interact with certain characters, your dialogue choices will reduce their appearances to only the necessary story beats to advance the plot.

Season 1 automatically creates a special save game near the end. Season 2 allows you to continue with that saved game, in which case the choices you've made in the previous season will carry over. When Season 2 releases on Steam (or here), this will also be the way to continue your game. The main difference with the Steam release is that it has Steam achievements ( version also has achievements, but they're local to the game) and cloud saves. Other than that the versions are identical.

(3 edits)

First of all, thank you for such a fast and in depth response, great to see a developer that's so active with its player base. 

I have 2 examples for the yes/no questions. Both in episode 3. 

[some spoilers for anyone else reading] 

1. When Ziv offers you the contract for the pickup mission, you get a yes or no choice. I picked no because it seemed fishy and the other option was going to pay more (i didn't realise at the time that you could do both). Thyia then convinces you to do it anyway and that's basically it. If that's how the story goes then that's fine, I just personally found it weird that the choice was given when there wasn't really one there. 

2. Celine tells you that there's a ship floating around and wants to bring it in. Again, i said no cause it seemed very risky, but she does it anyway. 

There's also the choice of letting Thyia join your crew, though I obviously realise now that it was much needed for the story (and I would have said yes anyway). As I say, if this is all necessary for the plot then I understand, but I'm wondering why the choice is given in the first place. 

Good to know there won't be any new characters joining the crew, that was mostly why I asked the question. Obviously I wouldn't expect there to be the option to remove every character, that wouldn't make sense for most of them and even if it did it would leave about a million different branches for you to write. 

I suppose I mainly asked because of Ziv and Raene. I don't dislike them or anything, I just noticed that from episode 5 onwards, they don't really do anything if you're not in a relationship with either of them and having them with you seems like a big risk. You already have 2 factions chasing you down so adding another just adds to the danger for the other characters. 

Again, if they are necessary for something later in the plot then that's cool, I just really like having options in games like this. 

There's a conversation with Ziv where you agree that you won't be friends, and Ziv seems to indicate that she and Raene might leave, so i just wondered if there will be an opportunity for that. I do realise this might already be an option in season 2, (Haven't played it yet as i wanted to ask about the different versions before downloading it). 

Another thing I thought was strange (though maybe a bug) is Ziv said she was unhappy with the way I treated Raene. I don't think I was ever unkind to her, hence why this might be a bug. (I may have quick saved and reloaded the options when I was talking to her, to see both choices if I wasn't sure what MC would say, so perhaps the game thinks I picked a bad option.) 

Also the game seems to think i had sex with Thyia when i first met her, again i think it was an issue with quick loading back to the option not to do so. 

Just to quickly clarify about the game versions, does that mean that season 2 on will detect my steam saves? Or do i need to do another playthrough on the version of season 1? 

Sorry that this was so long, and thank you again in advance. 

(1 edit)

Yeah, those choices mainly there to establish some of the morality of the main character, in order for the crew to respond to those choices. Refusing Thyia and Ziv for example will make it harder for Lilly to like you and get into a romantic relationship with you. The same goes for Ziv, if you're dismissive of Raene certain dialogue options and romance paths aren't available, because Ziv doesn't like you enough.

As for the instances where a character mentions something that didn't happen, those are likely bugs. Loading should reset the game state completely, it shouldn't retain any choices you've previously made using another saved game. So if you have any saved games of those situations, I'd very much like to check them out and fix any potential errors.

Both the and Steam version of the game use the same location for saves, so they should get picked up. The saved games are likely located here on Windows: Users\*name*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\


Ah that makes sense. 

Season 2 has found my steam saves fortunately. 

Really looking forward to future episodes! 

Thanks for your help! 

Could you tell me when the season two(extra scenes edition) release?😉😉😉😬😬😬

There's no firm release date on the complete Season 2. The individual episodes take 2 to 3 months to develop and Season 2 will likely have 12 episodes as well, so that might give an indication of how long it will take, roughly. The extra scenes version of the episodes are available for patrons on Patreon and SubscribeStar though.

The android version isn't wanting to update. Do I need to do a fresh install? And if I do, is there a way I can do it without losing all my progress?

Deleted 292 days ago

I needed to upgrade to a newer version of the game's engine which didn't go without a hitch, this has probably broken the Android upgrade path for the game. A fresh install will probably work, but you'll likely need to backup the saved games before uninstalling. The saved games are located here: SD:/Android/data/com.perverteer.tftuv/files/saves/

Admin. Same problem with updating S2 on android...


Wgen will pregnancy inplanned it Dev??


The groundwork is being prepared for this in the upcoming episodes. I don't think you'll see the effects until the end of Season 2 or beginning of Season 3 (depending on the characters you've impregnated).

Thanks for a great game!

I'm on android, and the last version I played vas 0.9. I can't seem to update the game. Whenever I try to install, my phone attempts the install, finishes and tells me "The game was not installed". I've tried searching for the versions in between 0.9 and 12, but I can't find them. Any idea what I could do to update without losing my progress? 

Thanks in advance.

What could be the reason that the game doesnt start on Mac?

If the game doesn’t run on macOS it could be quarantined by GateKeeper you can try the following:

  • Open
  • Write the following command: xattr followed by a space and drag the or from the Finder onto the terminal window
  • Press Enter, it should show as a result. If the text is not shown you’ve likely encountered another issue.
  • If the text is shown, type xattr -d  followed by a space and drag or onto the terminal window again
  • Press Enter and try to launch the game again.

The next release will have a separate version for macOS again, hopefully that solves this problem for most Mac users.


looking forward to more, hopefully new update soon.  

One thing I noticed from the comments is that some don't like the transitioning fugitive not finalizing transition, perhaps it might be a good idea to allow for an option to expedite the transition to full female since it is super future.  and possibly and option with the hermaphroditic species to "Sheath" one option or the other.  And allowing some of the things to be optional.  A little more work but certainly greatly rewarding for making it a better game for the whole audience.  some of the complaints I can see about them being liars and not wanting to keep them around.  Perhaps in the future give the stow aways or betrayers of trust to better earn back the trust that was broken?  

Still  fun universe and developing into a fun story overall.

Spoiler : 

For dev

Wait wait wait now i remembered something important i was loving this avn love your past work and knows it will be good too,it was good until i remembered the starting didn't give much thought but wait don't you dare tell me you are planning to killl mc or something,ay the end of every version ending you leave at cliffhanger that leaves to wanting more and nice tragedy in NXT part but don't you dare think of killing mc,i know it will not happen but i m a bit concerned now,hope you don't,know you won't, but can't trust on my heart fully.


It's not my goal to make you miserable as a reader/player, so things might get hairy, but the chances of the MC or any of the main characters dying are very slim.

exactly slim but can happen,hey plz kill mc dad it's a request from heart,if anyone has to die make that bastard do something good for once in his miserable pathetic life and sacrifice himself ,it will not remedy of his monster action but just kill him,you know everyone will love that.

Just wanted to say thanks for adding the extra scenes edition here. Felt weird paying here because I wanted to support but downloading elsewhere to fully appreciate the game And thanks for letting me appreciate it it there it's why I payed here.

Curious if it's per update or buy once and get access to future updates. Know some games do it differently. Thanks again for the great game. 


Thanks for the purchase! The extra scenes edition of Season 2 will drop here eventually, but it will be a separate purchase. The public edition  will always be free here and elsewhere.

When is the 13.2 out? loving the game so far


Episode 14 will drop here near the end of the month.

(1 edit)

where is pateron link?? not able to find at all 

I'm not allowed to link to Patreon because of their content guidelines, but if you google "perverteer patreon"  it should be the top result.

Does it breach some guidelines  on itch?? Others have posted their patron and its shown in the page ?? By content guidelines do you mean 18+ ??

No, it breaches Patreon's content guidelines as the version of the game available on is uncensored.

Are u talking about incest guidelines? They could fuck themselves buddy,telling they are your landlord and landlady and tenant shit is more annoying than some idiots who feels bad about incest,it's not like you are having real life affair with your real mom or sister,why dies it matter to you? You are just playing a game chill buddy,and saying they are landlady rather than mother won't change anything,like optional and avoidable NTR isn't much better than the NTR avns shit.since main plot gets destroyed by cucks fantasy forced on dev.

Yup. I don't agree with their rules either, but got to abide by them, unfortunately.


I do not  leave comments or reviews generally but I felt compelled to. The intro is beautiful, really. I am one who you'd associate romanticism and poetry with and "Do not go gentle into that good night" happens to be my favourite piece ever written. In short, I've always loved space (I'm an aspiring astrophysicist, trying my best to be one xD) and the intro really resonated with me. More so because of your music choice. I can tell a lot of passion went into this and so did a lot of love for the unknown, what's beyond, for adventure. It seems that way for now and I hope this game brings more to the table, be it nsfw but it is promising. I commend you friend, hope I do not come off as pretentious :)


Very happy to hear that the opening resonated with you so much. I hope you'll enjoy what's coming next!

Can anyone help me I completed the vol 1 and when I open vol 2 it says first complete the vol 1 of the game can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or how to load my saves from vol 1 to 2


Hey Perverteer all your games are absolute bangers! love them and please keep up the great work!


Thanks so much!

I hope it's a bug, but I've very specifically avoided starting anything sexual with Raene, as it isn't my cup o tea, but after you get back on the ship in the beginning of S2 and i have to talk to Raene it changes my relationship status from no, to yes, I have no desire to be a part of this path.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, it's a bug. It will be fixed in the next version. You can set her romance back to false if you want to via the developer console. Press Shift + O and type: raene_romance = False

Thanks, appreciate that.

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