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привет можешь убрать название сохранения когда хочешь сохранится в игре иначе постоянно эта надпись выходит не удобно 

Are there gonna be encounters with the women that MC knocked up, with their baby buldges? That would be hot.

(4 edits) (+2)(-5)

Hey Perverteer, there is something which has been really bothering me ever since I started this visual novel of yours and I have been keeping it for myself for years while always feeling a need to tell you and always holding back but I can't take it anymore because it has REALLY been ruining the experience for me for way too long already and I really need you to do something about it.

This is about the musics. They are needed to set the mood and I understand that you attributed a specific music to each character and that the same music systematically plays every time we interact with their assorted character no matter the situation and THIS is what has been REALLY bothering me for too long not only because always hearing the same music with the same character no matter the context feels static and monotonous but also and especially because these musics are not suited to set an erotic mood as they are relaxing instead of being energizing and therefore they have been turning me off in EVERY sex scene for years and I actually have been continuing only for the story while the sexual content has been making me fall asleep instead of turning me on as it should because of these cursed relaxing musics that you designed to play with their assorted character without taking into consideration specific contexts and the moods they require to enjoy them, I tried to turn off music during sex scenes but then the sudden silence breaks my immersion.

I need you to understand that musics are needed to set moods and that therefore specific musics need to be assorted to specific moods instead of specific characters without taking into consideration contexts because so far you have been doing your best to create an enjoyable experience however you have been ruining it by misusing musics not suited to required moods because you have been using musics according to characters instead of contexts, this is the difference between a static soundtrack which plays monotonously without taking into consideration contexts and a dynamic soundtrack which switches from a music to another to adapt to each context, situation and event and to suit each assorted mood and unfortunately yours has been static so far. 😟

Therefore and after years of holding back my frustration because of it, I hereby humbly request you to improve your sound design and make it dynamic instead of static for the sake of setting the right mood for the right context, thank you for at least listening to my feedback and thank you more if you actually consider it to improve for both our sake.

Every time I download it it keeps saying forbidden wat do I do

can i ask if i download season 2, would it continue on my previous progress in season 1? I'm gonna download season 1 rn and curious about season 2

When I try downloading season two for android it gives there was a problem parsing the package error. Can you fix it?

Thats not he devs fault, that sounds like Itch.ios poor downloads. Just keep retrying until it works, Itch is known to occasionally have downloading errors.

I figured it out. I just had to extract the game from the folder.

Cuando se lanza el capítulo 20 por esta plataforma?

In two days it is most likely

Is there an alternate download site? Part 1 fails every attempt to download.

Can I just download part 2?

Quando sai a terceira temporada?

what will the total number of episodes ??

When can we expect the next update? Great story!!


The public release of Episode 20 will be this September.


Great game! Sisterly Lust was my first AVN. Been hooked since. Can't wait to keep playing TFTUV! Looking forward to the next episode.


I am glad for your optimism. There are already 20 episodes on other sites. So nothing interesting is in store. The most successful project was Sisterly Lust.


I didn't know you also did Sister Lust, but the quality of the writing was clear. Just finished Season 1 and was blown away. Story was captivating and always something happening. Amazing work. Also, I was legit floored by That Twist. Since I've played Sister Lust, I should have seen it coming, but still, I was rocked.


Very happy to hear that! Hope you enjoy what's in store for TFTUV in the coming episodes!

... so, if I'm reading this right - the full, bonus-included version of season one is only available on Steam, but season two is only available on  There's currently no method of getting the entirety of the game on one platform?

The bonus edition is available on Steam, GOG, Patreon and SubscribeStar. The bonus edition of Season 2 is for now only available on Patreon and SubscribeStar.  The edition found here is the standard edition, without extra sex scenes. Once the full season is completed, I'll publish the bonus edition on Steam and hopefully GOG as well.

And what about Itch? 🤔

Itch has  effectively banned the sale of my games on their platform, unfortunately. You can read more about it here.

Hello Perverteer,

Your statement that Itch has banned the sale of your game has been bothering me ever since you made it but I couldn't quite put my finger on why was that... 🤔

Until I finally noticed that many other creators of porn games still sell their games on Itch and it is only now that I notice the contradiction with your statement of Itch suddenly becoming puritan and banning porn games.

So I read the announcement that you quoted again and then I noticed a detail which eluded me at first.

Itch never banned porn, it is actually some third-party payments providers who suddenly became puritan and denied their services to porn content and Itch merely informed this change of policy from these third-party payments providers while still remaining the haven of creative freedom that it has always been and I still can pay with my card to buy porn games from Itch as if nothing has ever changed which is why your statement has been subconsciously bothering me until I understand this contradiction.

Which makes me curious how do you explain it? 🤔

(3 edits)

No, hasn't banned all pornographic content from their platform. They've just made it impossible for my account to sell anything. This has happened to similar developers, but not all and I believe it is still happening from time to time. The reason why those specific developers and myself were targeted has never been made clear by The only reasoning I got from them was the following (also quoted in the news posts I made around the time it happened):

This decision was made after considering various factors related to your account, including nature of content, risk, disputes, and the resources required by our team to review payments associated with your account.

As far as I can tell my game sales weren't overly affected by refunds and or fraudulent charges. So I'm still not sure what prompted the account restrictions.


anyone here played his other game sisterly lust got a question to ask?



do i need the paid version of the game to get the side character pregnant?

(3 edits) (+1)

As far as I remember, it only adds extra scenes to the game. It doesn't change the story. I do remember there were some randomness in the game (stats and triggers). Like the first trigger with the youngest sister sometimes it does and others it doesn't work, even by simply rewinding.

Quería saber si es un error de codigo o simplemente se dañó el archivo, pero no me salen diálogos en la temporada 2 a partir del evento de realidad virtual con Eva

Primero haz una copia de seguridad de tus archivos guardados, la ruta por defecto en Windows y Linux (en Mac ni idea de cómo va) es la de RenPy, está dentro de tu perfil de usuario como por ejemplo "C:\Users\Tu-Usuario\AppData\Roaming\RenPy", ahí tendrás una carpeta con los guardados de este juego.

Segundo prueba a descargar el juego de nuevo, a abrir ese nuevo ejecutable y a abrir uno de tus archivos guardados anteriores a que te apareciera el fallo.

Si después de probar ésto te fallaran los archivos guardados, puedes tirar de la copia de seguridad que habías hecho.

Si te siguiera fallando, prueba a ir abriendo archivos guardados hacia atrás en el tiempo, o si no, directamente empieza el juego de nuevo con la última versión recién descargada, como no hay muchas opciones llegarás pronto a por donde ibas. Si tienes el archivo de RenPy que guarda por dónde ibas, aunque empezaras un juego nuevo, puedes darle a "skip" y saltará las pantallas que ya habías visto.


Is Sideshow Bob here the MC? 🤢


Or maybe he got fucked?


I wonder how many years it will take the author to finish the second season or will there be a continuation?


For the steam season 2. Will it be the same amount of episodes as season 1? Can't wait for this to hit the Steam market !!!


Roughly yes, episode count will be around 10 to 12.

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