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Is there an official game guide of some kind? I remember there being a pdf for episode 9 but I can't find anything for episode 10


The game guide is part of the $5 tier on Patreon. Once the game is finished it will be posted here as well.

Everytime I try installing the app it keeps saying not installed. Any advice? 

maybe you need to free up some space on your smartphone.

Can someone give me a savefile of v0.9? Please thanks

If receiving install fails on Android, try running an APK splitter.  I've run it on SplitAPK.  You might receive a fail for invalid certificates.  Dig through the menus and you should find an option in SplitAPK to sign the APK during the install.. That will get rid of the certificates fault, and you should be good to go.  Has worked on a few large apks.

as in an app or a website?


i love this story its so good as a storyteller your games totally draw me in cant wait for more mate,this is a biased question but do you have plans for any Scottish engineer types/ possibly with red hair



Thanks! A redheaded Scottish engineer is awfully specific though. ;)


fair enough lol 


Are we gonna get more chapters in the future? Really wanting some more scenes with lilly


Yes, and they'll feature more Lilly.


Let’s Gooooooooo

What's your estimate for how long it's gonna be until it is released


Not sure yet, making good progress on Episode 11, but nothing to announce officially yet.


Sweet, I got faith it's gonna kill like the first 9 chapters

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Commenting on the bug to help with data, I don't need a response: I am not able to update or fresh install the uncompressed version, despite being able to install renpy games up to 4GB (for sure, and I think up to 7GB for some other games) without any issues before. I have a OnePlus 6T with 8GB RAM and 25GB free space, running Oxygen OS 10.3.12 (Android 10). The compressed version works, but it shouldn't make a difference for my phone.

Im running android 11 and will not install sadly :/

Have you tried the compressed version?

says fail to download 


Pregnancy is still not included? I played the game but didn't find it, Please make more games with this fetish, you are the greatest!:) in a huge fan perveteer!!


Pregnancy will eventually be included, but dealing with stuff like that is always a challenge. A lot of variant renders have to be made to support the story and I don't want the ship crawling with minors. ;)

Godlt it to work going with compressed version :) also need help I haven't been able to get a relationship with jade going. How can I do that?

It won't install on Android! :( hope I'm only one with this issue..

You're not. :(

No this seems to be a more widespread issue than I though. I'm going to try and build a test version using the latest version of the game's framework and see if it resolves things.

Yea man , it isn't installing on my device either .


If I may ask, have you thought about adding a creampie counter? Like if I keep doing it to one person they will pregnant.


Pregnancy is one of the features I'll be adding at a later stage. All creampies have been tracked so far. ;)


I love it how developers plan things advance. And keep track of little stuff like that that.  And can be used later for cool ideas and features.

Do I need to uninstall the old version? It seems the update is not working. It keeps saying the app not installed. My Android version is 10 btw.

Have you tried the compressed version?

Yes, I already try both and the result is same.


Trying to install the update on Android and it's just not working :$


Same, i got 11 gb free space but it failed to install

Which version of Android are you running and what is the error you receive?

I used asus maxpro m1, android 9, already have ver 9 but always error on installing ver 10. Its always stuck at around 80% then this error message appears.

Does this happen with the compressed version as well?

Haven't tried it yet

i had the same problem, but when i tried with compressed version, it worked

(2 edits)

Update :

Have uninstalled all data, the uncompressed still not working while compressed is running fine. I guess it's because the size???

I'm afraid size is the issue in this case. Unpacking the APK needs a lot of RAM and disk space.

Same :(


(1 edit)

i didnt get a notification for the new update 19 hours ago...
maybe im just psychic ;) cos im heree <3 

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I would say this is definitely the most "professional" AVN I've played. Not to knock SL, which I enjoyed for many reasons, but this is like AAA AVN shit. The renders, characters, choices, settings, great mix of 'romance' and sex, menu/codex, variety of flavors, and even the production schedule are top notch! It took a bit for me to get into, but once you get past the first big pivotal moment, it's non-stop action, intrigue, emotional roller coaster, and of course lewdness. There's seriously so much packed in here, I'm having a hard time thinking of another game that has even close to as much that isn't set in some stereotypical easy to tee-up setting (i.e., college, modern home incest setting, etc.). Seriously Perveteer, great work. You are definitely living up to your name!

(4 edits) (+1)

i dont think 'most professional' is the right mark of distinction for this game, more like, highest originality/quality ratio.. theres no other scifi avn this good, for sure. 
thats what makes this game stand out so brightly, it has no competittors in its category, and that category is in a genre that doesnt have a lot of categories to choose from. i mean you really got liek 3 categories to choose from when it comes to AVNs - you got "man moves back home",  or theres "boy moves out of home", or that old chestnut "boy realises his sister is a bitch only cos shes horny for him".
with that background, "boy kidnaps co-worker and family and steals a spaceship to find kidnapped sister, then fucks them all, and some aliens" is a refreshing change. and its well written and rendered to boot!


Thanks guys, really happy with the feedback to the game so far, especially comments like yours.


camma fa

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I don't know what that means but the mod update should come out by tomorrow and I'm excited!

How is Eva pronounced? I've been saying it like how Wall-E says Eve lmao


More like "Ey va". ;)

That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification

(2 edits)

just looked it up, and yes, wall-e says "Eva" (not Eve) to Eve when they first speak

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not to contradict the dev, but i wouldnt say "ey" - that sounds like Ay (like "ey" in "Hey", which would make her name Ava, not Eva) ..
i would say "EE" as in Bee or Queen or Seen, plus, "va"
('va' sounds like the 'Fu' in 'Fuck') ee+va


I personally say "Eva" as Eve a (just eve, then the a in ah)

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that would be right in my opinion. pretty sure thats also what perverteer is saying, i was just trying to make it more clear :D 
non-english-1st-language speakers might appreciate more examples.
eve, as in steve, + a, as in ah cut short. 


Can't wait for next update


I know that it would take a lot of work to do that but it would be so cool if at the beginning of chapter 1 you could choose between playing as Camran for M/F or Lilly for F/F content. Or maybe some side story where you temporarily play from Lilly's perspective and can then have some F/F content with Eva.


will there be more eve in episode ten


Eva is featured in Episode 10, but the romantic relationship with her will take a while to develop.


I'm glad to hear episode 10 is coming soon, love your work guys! You're the best at what you do!

will there be more nadya and renae? loving there characters


Certainly! Raene has some screen time in Episode 10. Nadya will have to wait a little longer.


I'm just amazed about the extent and complexity of this tale. The most remarkable visual novel I have played so far. Great stuff!


i have to agree the stories in these games are amazing

just love your games mate ,was wondering when is episodes 10 and 11 coming out and will there be a harem route?


Episode 10 will be released here on September 30th. The release date of Episode 11 is still unknown. And yes, there'll be a harem route, just like in Sisterly Lust.

thanks for the quick reply mate cant wait 

Will you skip this update and release big one on december?


Episode 10 will be released her on September 30. Don't know about Episode 11 yet, still working hard on that one.


I've bookmarked this game for a long time now and not that actively following it so this question might be asked before, but is there any indication when the game will be  "finished"?  Like how many chapters in total and stuff? 

I cant wait to buy and play this game but prefer to play the full package instead of having to wait for another chapter. 

Anyway, Big fan of sisterly lust! you rock! 


TFTUV is intended to run much longer compared to Sisterly Lust. I plan on releasing a first season of episodes after the first story act wraps up, we're currently well over halfway in that act. In total there'll probably be three acts (two remaining sold as DLC), though I'm not sure they'll have the same length.


Aah ok cool. Thanks for the answer I'll look forward to it! 


If I may ask, where do you get your inspiration? And do you have any more future ideas/ projects you have in mind that you just have on the back burner? I played both of your games, I really enjoy both of them. The amount of work you put into them is really huge.  If I may suggest something, Sisterly Lust is set in a modern setting, and Tales from the Unending void is set in a Sci-fi, world with barbarian woman :p
Have you consider doing something from ancient times? Like Ancient Egypt? You could also do something cool with it. It could be a life about a commoner or a Pharaoh. Or about a commoner become a pharaoh, and his life until his death. Which then leads to mummification. Idk, but whatever you do, I can tell you will put a lot of work into it :D


I read a lot, so that helps quite a bit to keep the creative juices flowing. I've considered historical settings, but I'm a little afraid of the history buffs pointing out all the errors (I've seen that happen with games set in Roman times, for example).  I'm not sure what I want to do after TFTUV, but it might be high fantasy, still close to Medieval times, but without all the historical accuracy.

Ooooh, that sounds really cool about the high fantasy. And I can understand being afraid of the history buffs. But it could be like the high fantasy, it will be close to it without all the accuracy. That is one the powerful things you can do as a writer and creator. And can takes bits and pieces of stuff from other places and mix them together. Sometimes it comes about really well, others not so much. It all depends on your skills, the work you put into it.  

gotta have some scottish red heads in a fantasy and some elf love


Question: if I develop multiple relationships at the same time (i.e confess my love to Aven, Céline and Lilly), does that lead to a very large conflict later on, or is my relationship with them publicly polygamous. As I haven't been able to find anything hinting at whether having sex with others outside the relationship is cheating or if Céline is fine with it?



If you develop a lot of relationships during the game, you'll probably be on the harem path or something similar. The game will not punish you for maintaining multiple relationships, it's about with fulfillment after all. ;)


Awesome! Thanks for your quick reply.

I caught up to the end of the current update and I cannot wait for the next release!!

Keep it up, your work is utterly amazing!


I think some action with more of the barbarians would be awesome, that is my personal choice though!. I kept thinking I'd like to dominate them lol. maybe a scene where there's a ritual to impregnate them after a battle/tournament of sorts would put me on the edge of my seat at the same time as well you know....... anyways  your work is awesome and I hope you keep the desire to work on your projects alive and well. It's inspiring to experience this creative genius. I have so many ideas on story's, I just lack the skill to create the imaging. I have the hardware to do it just no "know how". I wish you the best of luck!.

Well, there'll be a feast at some point, it would be a shame there wouldn't be an orgy.

I'm not planning on stopping any time soon. ;)

(2 edits)

Do you concider making a gay VN in the future?

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Not likely, I'm afraid. I tend to write about what arouses me personally and I don't think I could do M/M romance justice (a VN with only lesbian characters neither, to be honest).


Thanks for your quick reply! Nice job on your projects!

How does the pregnancy system work. I've been trying and I cant seem to get anyone pregnent.


pretty sure it comes later in the stor


Yup, that's planned content. There is already a pregnancy scene with side characters in the game, but it doesn't involve the main characters.

looking forward to your next game update, I am now a new subscriber on your $20 a month tier on subscriber star.


Awesome, thanks a lot for your subscription!

your very welcome!

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Tao bom encontrar um jogo desse que esteja legendado em português brasil eu leio todos os diálogos sem passar nada e sobre a atualização não esquenta poste no dia em que você quiser pode ate deixar pro próximo mês falta pouco e você pode aproveitar esse pequeno tempo pra remover alguns bugs se tiver e claro

Glad to hear that! I've forwarded your comment to the Portuguese translator as well.

Any chance for the update to come out this month? (please let it be this month)


I'm working very hard to get the release out for patrons this month, in that case it will drop here next month.


Hey man! Really love this game! I also really enjoyed your other game as well - Sisterly Lust! I just had a quick question - will we see more of Raene in this update? I really want to see more scenes of her and pursue romance interest with her. 


Thanks! Yes, Raene will feature in Episode 10 and you'll be able to continue your romance with her.


Wooohooo! Awesome my man! Keep up the good work! Just make sure you have some R&R from time to time. We can't lose you due to burnout!

how can i become a patron

I can't link to Patreon directly, but if you google "patreon perverteer" it should be the first hit.

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