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Question: What is the depth of the pregnancy system?


you see all girls you choose to have a child with with a big pregnant belly


In a wholesome fashion right?

In a wholesome fashion, right?


hahahaha well, if you are a person of culture and have a pregnant kink then YES, it is wholesome to see such a loving family

Every time I download the game it say link expired

Incredible story and visuals. Thank you. 

My favorite adult game.  I just was browsing and saw that there is a bonus edition online; I bought something called a taboo edition a while back; maybe late 2022, is there new stuff added in the bonus edition?  I'll upgrade if I can some more Bella  :)  


The bonus edition includes more sex scenes compared to the standard edition available here. That includes more Bella, by the way. ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Literally my Favorite game ever


Can you not date all 3 sisters?

that's what im trying to understand too. I finished the game 3 times trying to follow the pattern to the oldest sister(Liza -automated in game name) and didnt found a way of dating her

u do 2 at a time basically

as in take on a date or end up having a sex scene with them? Because you can have a sex scene with all 3 + mother

Is there a way to get the bonus edition in places where steam delisted it?


The only way other than Steam is subscribing to Patreon and SubscribeStar at the $15+ tier (for one month, or longer if you wish to) at the moment.

Deleted post

I expressed the hope that customers would still have access, but sadly doesn't allow me even that. Could you send me an email at, I might be able to help you further.

Hey Perverteer,

I purchased SL here way back. Would I be able to access and download the game and walkthrough somehow? 


Could you send me an email at, I might be able to help you further.


This is practically the gold standard.


Honestly, the game looks good with the story but in my opinion, it is too much sex-oriented... I mean within the first 10 minutes of gameplay, you already have at least 5 possibilities of sex/voyeurism scenes


Noooo, it's never enough sex for the horny bonkers :c 

Can i have your snapchat ? Mail it to,  and please dont mind the name of the mail its just random :)

Hey, I edited a save on Android and I tried accessing the save it's on day 1 after I unpack and before I get in the shower, the only thing I changed was that everyone's corruption and trust turned to 100, however I can't access it even if I press yes on the "I trust who has and everyone who could have changed this save file." thing, do I wait or is the Android version not able to do this? 

The move to the new engine has unfortunately caused saves edited with a save editor to become incompatible. 

Statistics can be changed without using a save editor by using Ren'Py's console (Shift+O). To advance Rachel's trust with one point you'd type: $ r_attr.set_trust(+1)

To set her corruption you'd use r_attr.set_corruption(+1) (or +100). The attribute objects for the other characters are called l_attr, b_attr and m_attr. Hope that helps!

how would I do this on Android? 

Unfortunately, according to the engine's documentation it might only work with a physical keyboard connected to your device.

I know you can't buy the paid version here but what is the difference between the two and how come there is no gallery

The paid version has more sex scenes. The gallery feature is only implemented for the extra scenes due to the (messy) way most of the other sex scenes are coded, unfortunately.


Well writing, beautiful scene, english well done, free, good story, beautiful girl. Thank you for this game :)

best update!


Hello, thanks for this wonderful game ! can you tell me if the paid version give more history content or it's just the same with extra sex scenes?


The story doesn't change, but the sex scenes will be either longer or extra in some cases.

How can I download it, I only have links for the free edition ?

Changes to's payment policy I can no longer of the paid version here:

If you could send me an email at I'll be able to help you further.

Is there a way to adjust the opacity of the text-box on Android? I'm only seeing options for Text Speed and Auto-Forward Time.


is the one here up to date or is the bonus edition the one thats fully finished?


This one is up to date, but it lacks the extra sex scenes available in the bonus edition.

Deleted 1 year ago

When the next update or are you done


Sisterly Lust will receive no content updates, but I do release the occasional bugfix.


What are the right answers from the mother?


I already paid over a year ago and can no longer download the version I paid for? That’s pretty messed up.

(+2) has effectively cut me off from selling the game here:

If you could send me a message at I might be able to help you further.


love the game! I kinda wish there was a gallery or something for convenience but it's great without one

bro that Madison from House party

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its a good game my only problem is the incest plus the childern are gonna have a horrible life if the character ever has one with his sisters


Dawg what did you expect, the game is literally called " sisterly lust "

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yeah true. i hope they abort the child if one of them gets pregnant plus if they don't the child is probably gonna die in just 5 to 10 years


bro its a game.

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and yet this happens a lot irl and this game could make some idiots think its fine to do this


Maybe if you actually looked into the science a bit you'd stop saying such ignorant things.

Inbreeding doesn't "make you die". It reduces genetic diversity.

The two problems that can cause are reduced ability to fight infections and increased likelihood of existing genetic problems in the parents becoming dominant in the child.

The parents may not even suffer from the conditions themselves, but just carry them as recessive genes. Inbreeding doesn't create the genetic problem, just increases the chances of passing it on.

But "chance" is not "guarantee", and not all of the bad conditions you could inherit are fatal.

It's entirely possible that a child of such a union could be normally healthy. Continued generational incest, though, will pretty much ensure the bad genes become dominant at some point.

I have just finished the game and I need there to be a chapter 2 of this story!!

It was amazing, you guys did an amazing job!


I didn't have choices to talk to iris in day 30 even though i acknowledge her?


Why don't you do a season 2 on the island bring an enemy to the story line like some rich football narcissist war with you harem vs harem or battle of multiple harems for other women perfect story. Lying cheating divorce more marriages and ect.


don't ever cook again


i am doing the harem route, on day 27 you are supposed to talk to bella, but it didn't show up for me did i do something wrong

how do I furrier my relationship with the mom for some reason every choice I make don’t allow me to do anything with her any suggestions 

best thing to do is look up a guide, I had trouble with her on my first playthrough.

ok thanks 

Is it possible that you can release this game on GOG, recently they've released a number of adult visual novels on their site so it might be worth releasing there.


I submitted Sisterly Lust to GOG a good while back, but I've never heard anything back from them.

You should try applying again, a bunch of adult visual novels and games like Being a DIK, Treasure of Nadia, Cloud Meadow, Acting Lessons, and others have just recently been added to GOG.

What is GOG? is basically a video game platform like Steam and but with an emphasis on all of its games being DRM-free and initially old video games that have been ported to work on modern systems. Now it also includes modern video games as well as the old ones. I've been getting most of my video games from there because of how you can download offline installers for the video games you buy from them and that you don't have to use a launcher to play your games.


Might try them again in a while. Don't want to spam their submission process. ;)

is this game have bad ending?


I have been trying to get this game to run for a few weeks with no luck. I am on a Mac 13.3.1

I have done to quarantine commands in terminal and when I click to run the game the icon appears in the dock for a brief second then closes. 

Any ideas on what else I can try?


Another thing to try would be to right-click on the app and click "Show package contents". Navigate to Contents/MacOS and drag the SL file onto a terminal window and press enter, it should start the game from there.

Thanks I will try that :)


also keep the old game if do thi


ok here's my idea instead of make a new game maybe (in the future since your busy) redo this game but add new stuff like maybe have a brother who is overprotective and doesn't want you near the girls. maybe  for example  lisa and susan switch attitudes Of Course   this is just my idea


You could always give the people who have purchased the paid version steam keys for the paid version on steam. Since we paid for the game and it only lets us see the free version now

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