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Hello, Im having trouble getting the beach offensive scene? Any tips by chance?

In android version, keyboard pop-up is coming up for ''jum to page option" when you click save. Might be a problem to some people.

Anyway, are you planning to release this on steam this year? If not, I'll probably buy sisterly lust to support.

You're not the first to report it unfortunately. Will be fixed in the next version.

I'm also preparing to release the first 12 episodes on Steam as Season 1. The following two seasons will be paid DLC in the future.

Great! What about the relationship modifier though? Will you be able to put your game on steam with the ability to change name/relations of the characters?

So you'll stop itch updates and release the next 10- 12 episodes in a bundle? 

The game on Steam will be fully uncensored, like the version here, but with extra sex scenes. I will probably publish that release as a paid version here as well. The free updates will also still continue here for the new episodes (ultimately comprising season 2 and 3).


Good game, my man. ;)

Jade's probably my favorite. Hope to see more story on her end.


I don't know how you managed to have me horny one minute and tearing a little the next, but please give us more!  This is one of the best developed VNs I've ever played. 
It isn't just some sexy romp through the universe.  The writing, the overall storyline, the interactions, I just love it.


Thanks, there will be more!

how do I put my saves into the new game

I am on windows:

After I unzip the new downloaded file, I hold Ctrl and double click both the old version's folder and the new version's folder. Then in the new version's folder, I hold Ctrl and A to select all and then drag all those files within the updated file's folder into the previous version's folder. It will empty the new version folder and move everything to the old version folder. A window will pop up asking whether I want to replace or skip files that are duplicates, choose to replace (all) files when requested. That way all the updated files overwrite the old ones but leave your saves/screenshots/everything you altered safe.

I hope that helps any.

it’s saying something about trace back when I try and load a save 

When something like that happened to me on a game, i clicked the back button at the bottom of the game screen a few times and it resolved. You can try and start a new game first and then from the new game, load your old save. That has helped me in the past, but i can't guarantee it's your issue. Hoping for the best.


Still at Episode 7 but I just wanted to comment that this game has an extremely high production value! Perhaps one of the best I've played so far. Beautiful 3D models, detailed environments, likeable characters, excellent writing, intelligent plot twists…

There are of course some times when plausibility is stretched (not much conflict/jealousy between different love interests), but I guess that comes with the genre. :-D

Thanks for taking us along on this stellar and interstellar journey!


Thanks! Conflict and jealousy between love interests is something that will be developed further in the coming episodes, when everybody slowly learns of what the MC has been up to.

I knew it!


Yikes, that twist. Keeps getting better.


I absolutely love this series. To me personally, I feel it is a lot better than Sisterly Lust, while that was still good, not trying to downplay it in anyway. However, I was wondering if it was possible when downloading the updates as you come out with them, if there was a way to simply download the newest chapter, instead of having to download the whole game again?


Thanks! Sisterly Lust was very much a learning experience, as I started out without hardly any clue to developing VNs.

Ren'Py allows for patches, but you need your own server to host them and the bandwidth costs would be enormous, unfortunately. The client does support incremental updates, I believe.


sisterly lust is still the game I judge all other games in this genre too. For your first try, what an incredible game. It truly was a masterpiece of degeneracy, I cant thank you enough for that. 


Is there a way to disable the feature that let's you jump to load/save pages? 

I'm playing on mobile and everytime I go to the load and save states, my keyboard automatically pops up and covers half of my screen. I can't select the bottom slots and I can't tap the "yes" option when loading or overwriting save states. 


Not at the moment, I have to push a fix for this.


You bastard. You utterly bastard. Must you toy with my feellings so much? More Raene..a romantic path that finally starts to get shape.. 

That plottwist in the end... , M8.. ya're killing me.. To bad this was quite the short chapter :s.. but i guess, that's becuz it's a 2 parter,..
Also..end of S1 soon... Awesome.. can't wait for the extended edition ^^


Raene will get more attention in the beginning of Season 2, the groundwork has been laid.
I outlined that twist at the end even before releasing Episode 1, so it was quite fun to actually land it in this episode.

I'm still having issues getting the Jumping on Jade scene. I tried many different ways. I haven't decline sex scenes with her.

"Jumping on Jade" is the submissive version of "Jiggering Jade", did you manage to unlock that one? For the scene to unlock you should have had sex with Jade two times (in Episode 2, 4 or accepting her proposal in 9).

Yes, I unlocked Jiggering Jade

In that case the submissive version ("Jumping on Jade") isn't possible in that same playthrough.

But I started the game over. 🤔

(1 edit)

Hmmm, could you load a save on the new game after the scene is supposed to happen and open the console (Shift+O) and type jade_submissive? If that value returns True I think I need to investigate further.

Can I help with the Spanish translation?


Yes, that would be great! I have a machine translation up to Episode 12a which might be of help. You can reach me at or via Discord.

Is there MxM scat or pissplay because I'm only into one of those

No(and I don't think any of it is planned).

There is the option for watersports in the 12th episode so potentially more coming from there if it's like sisterly lust, after you opted in to it there were several other scenes with those characters that had it. Not sure how it will play here but there is at least one extended watersports scene you can view as of now

(1 edit)

There’s two scenes in the scene gallery that are from Episode 11, the two jade ones that were never offered to me , despite that i’ve gotten every jade scene and followed her story perfectly. And by that I mean, there was no option to speak to Jade at all in episode 11. Any tips?

That scene will be easier to reach in the upcoming v0.12. The check to get those scenes was too strict. You basically have to agree with Jade to have sex in Episode 9 to be able to see the scenes in episode 11 in v0.11.

oh okay

(1 edit) (-3)

Hey, i just played the game and i really liked a few things about it, like the quality of the models and animations, or some relationships with the characters, BUT the game has various PROBLEMS, For example some key moments during the story, that make it flow, are SO forced and whitout reasons. 

Other BAD thing are the sex scenes, the ones you have with the main characters are really good, and is great that you have to develop little by little their relationship before unlock that part, BUT a big part of the rest of scenes during the story with them and other characters feel so dull and pointless, you just meet them and fuck them without reason, theres a little conversation, but nothing that makes sense, they are there because yes, i know is a fap game and sometimes you can choose the decision, but the thing in these games is unlock those scenes

There are a lot of contradictions during the game, just to name a few (a little spoiler) is nadyia, when she joins you, she says she has problems and cant give you much money, but in other moment, she says she lives well and in a good position, other one is something truly important like the MAIN goal of the game, is left behind for simple reasons during various parts of the story, sometimes the explanations make sense but mostly of them not, and seen from a crude perspective is like you prefer to have sex insted of reach the goal

Im not complaining, they are just observations and maybe improve them.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'd be interested in the other contradictions you've noticed. Because I'm the sole writer without much editorial input, I'm sure continuity suffers at times.

 I can find the instance where Nadya mentions not having much savings, but I'm not sure where she states she's well-off. Having a good position at a university doesn't immediately translate in a lot of savings (maybe she spends a lot). Do you have examples where the key moments are too forced?

As for the main goal, I assume you mean the search that kicks off in Episode 1? Without a clue where to look, it takes a while for them to get all the clues they need, they're a bunch of fresh navy cadets, after all.

I was also a little thrown off by what he mentioned, about her being poor but also having a good position, it didn't feel like a glaring issue to me though. I haven't felt much discontinuity either, I even just looked at the scene gallery and haven't seen much of what they mean by non-main characters being easy to fuck. It seems to me that they're confused and noticing all the times that it's possible to have sex, rather than all the times that it isn't. I'd even factor in some of the tension they have from constantly being in danger adds to the romance in a suspended bridge effect. 

One problem I have though is I feel like they should be running out of cash more, with how much they're on the move and how many mouths they have to feed, it should feel like they're a little more strapped for cash. I understand the kitchen has a food creator, but I still feel like fuel would be super expensive with so many people living on a smaller ship and using its facilities so often.

lol yall tripping. what budget do you think they have? making games is hard. yall are expecting triple A production with 'can't even eat' budget.

Since when is budget an excuse for poor writing? Not saying the writing in this game is bad, it's quite good. But budget doesn't affect how good you are as a writer. Talent, skill, and practice do.


lol says the person living off their parents. budget affects everything unless you rich and far up your own az. i can write you a five bucks text or the odyssey; you get what you pay for, usually.

(6 edits)

Forewarning: this isn't really aimed at you, It's clear that you were  mostly in defense of Perverteer, this is just a rant aimed at the whole "budget isn't an excuse" viewpoint that I see way too often.

"Since when is budget an excuse for poor writing?" Almost always. 

No money == Less time able to be spent on writing beyond day-to-day life. 

More money == More time that can be spent to create a great product.

Skill is only gained by practice, and practice is dictated by free time around the rest of real life. TFTUV (as with SL) is still just as much practice as a throw-away project that will never see the light of day is.

If you have to be worried about your job tomorrow, or next week, or next month, so that you can pay the rent and keep eating, you can't focus as well on something that is in essence, just a hobby.

A  hobby that other people happen to enjoy and can choose to help fund if they feel like, any day Perverteer wants they could stop donations and completely quit working on the game and they would have no obligation to anyone to finish it, since no one was forced to pay for a finished game, the donations are just there to show appreciation and to help offset the extra time being put in to give us all something we have the privilege of enjoying for a few minutes, and sometimes it also helps to pay the bills as well.

I don't understand why people uphold someone who's working on a hobby and sharing it with the world for free to such high standards that the person criticizing likely couldn't reach. If it bugs you enough to not enjoy it anymore, stop playing. Simple as that.

I would agree with you if this game didn't have so much clear effort put into it, it's clearly not just laziness on Perverteer's part, it's just the fact that they neither have infinite amounts of experience, nor a massive team to help them with story writing.


one of the best games ive ever played everthing is 11 outta 10 cant wait for more and i hope it stays free 

Hi Perverter, Will be there an walkthougt mod or any walkthougt guid, coz i can't get any of the lady's preg???.... And where are we have lewd scene with Nadya (i mean sexwith her)

Yes, a walkthrough is currently offered for patrons on Patreon, but it will be on sale here as well.

The pregnancies have not yet been implemented as the story takes a while to develop. Nadya has some nudity already, but there's no full on sex at the moment.

I know the pregnancy issue is not implemented yet, but have you considered that you have much of the foundation for it already in place? For instance, you need a geneticist to borrow the fast track ability of the parasites from the party. Or someone could collect the plants or mushrooms from the Amazon world. And so on and so forth. I mean there's the potion from the Hero party used for guaranteed knocking someone up, too.

Just thinking that the branch choices are pretty limited. Great story, but not really anything interactive, such as being able to explore/walk around, interact, or whatnot. I mean, being able to take the aunt for a picnic on the Amazon world only for her to learn more about the native plants and animals would seem likely. Hmm... Lost my train of thought. 

Anyway, I thought there would be more reader's choice by chapter 11. There's the scene where he grabs the pen to escape the lab. It's an ideal spot for an alternative storyline. I mean, what would happen if he DIDN'T grab the pen? Hmm? Or if the people he was imprisoned with had actually been randomly selected instead, each playthrough?

As for the pregnancy... It says (optional). But it isn't. Usually, this would mean checking a Y/N box at the start of the game. Here, it's mentioned, but not implemented. Really, it should be a consequence of the MCs actions. I mean if he knocked up the Asian girl right at the start, he'd really have to deal with it through the entire game - if it's a normal human pregnancy, which isn't certain - there ARE options. Alternative solutions, storylines, and such.

Really wanted to see where the virtual sisters storyline was going. But the two options just sorta stop with the ship wreck. I keep thinking: What if his real sisters found it? What if the virtual sisters escaped as androids or holograms? Weird part is doesn't he actually tell the first one that she is a program? It never seems to come back up.

Oh. And who's to say that biological modification CAN'T make the one going through gender change into a completely functional dual gender, like Ziv, or fully female, or only as they are now? (Men can get pregnant in real life now with a pseudo womb, so ...)

Err... Lot more to say. Hell, I'd probably walk step by step through the whole story with suggestions and alternative paths, but... I'd best shut up now, yes?

Great stuff! Even without the adult content! Just like the story...even when the attendant was still a starwars escapee (Twi'lik? Twi'lick? Something...)


Happy to hear you liked the game so far.

I could in theory implement the pregnancies already, by doing a time-jump in the story or inventing some plot device as you mentioned. The trouble is that I'd need to deal with the development of all those pregnancies and also provide content for the path where the girls aren't pregnant.

As the game isn't rendered in real-time, any branch adds a lot of extra work. Also, when the children are actually born in the middle of the story it would create another problem where I'd need to deal with the MC and love interest being parents, raising their kid and so on. Not sure if changing diapers makes for a titillating experience...

The pregnancies are optional, instead of the True/False checkbox at the start of the game, the choice will be offered through dialogue, like I did in my other game, Sisterly Lust.

The virtual sisters storyline will continue in a future episode, if you didn't choose to wipe the simulation. I do try to follow up on any of the dangling plot threads I've created, but it sometimes takes a while to get there.

great! i'll let you get back to it then.  

btw, did you ever release a more complete version of the game way back? i keep remembering certian things happening that are not even touched upon in v.011.  (follow ups on the brovine larva; the MC getting involved with the guys during the body delivery (gay subplot); meeting the MCs grandfather; the MC getting captured, altered and sold as a sex slave (bad end, this one might have been a stress dream though, not sure about it); um... Hmm. had more, but just went totally blank. those are the ones i recall anyway, besides him maybe sneaking into a party and banging his mom by accident or something?)

Anyway, those glowing green eggs you ordered from the adult novelty shop for christmas are back ordered. something about low factory production issues. they should be sending them to your friends soon!  XD

I can't say I recall that gay subplot, the MC as a sex slave, nor meeting the  MCs grandfather. v0.11 is the latest public release, with v0.12a available for patrons currently.

I'll tell all my friends to keep a close watch on their mailboxes!


Can't wait for v0.12

Hi Perverter. You made an astonidhing story, cant wait for future reliase. Is there any update regarding the next chapter? Will we see Eva and Cam sex scenes?

Episode 12a will drop here this month. There will be sex scenes featuring Eva and Cam eventually, but that won't happen for a few episodes.


hi, i'm brazilian and i love the game, i finished it all in one day and i'm waiting for the next episode. the story is really interesting, i'm loving the game. suggestion I would like to make: there could be an option for Camram to have relationships with men. I've been very interested in Thim since I started playing. sorry if it was hard to understand, my english is a little bad. thank you since then


Good to hear you like the game! I'm not really into M/M myself, so I'm not sure if I'd be able to write convincing scenes featuring such romances. So nothing planned for Thim, I'm afraid.


Wouldn't it be similar to Raene and Ziv's sex scenes since they're both packing?


I understand, but it's not that difficult. it's the same thing as making him have relationships with Raene, Zig or Lusana. besides that a lot of people like the dynamic "enemies to lovers", so I think it would be very interesting haha. anyway, i'm sure you would do a great job! I wish the game all the best and surely any decision made by you will be great

Thats understandable about being worrying about writing/ making scenes featuring M/M since you are not into men yourself. Have you ever thought about making a team? I know you create all the stuff and the story. But have you ever thought about get/ make a team to help with the work load. You can even have some members working on future episodes, so when the main group/team get to that episodes a good amount of the stuff has been done.  And before anything get posted they have to go through you to make sure it up to your standard. 


Yes, I've thought about it.  Working with Alorth on the animations is working well so far, but managing a whole team comes with its own caveats. I'd be managing mostly instead of writing and creating artwork, which are the things I enjoy the most about developing these games.


Yea, I can understand that. I wonder if some game developers go through the same thing. And they make a team. And which then cause them not able to create/write as much as they want to. As you said, they would be managing a team. But anyway, what you do on your own, besides the animations. You do awesome job, and I can tell you that everyone that enjoys your games wants you to be in the position to do your best work. So take your time, master your craft :D



(1 edit) (+4)

I have to say, both this and Sisterly Lust are some of the most well written and CG-modelled adult visual novels I've ever played.
Most of them I can't stand the writing, skip through too much text, then get disappointed at some of the art.
But every moment of SL and TFTUV was engaging, titillating, and exciting.
Love it! Can't wait for more!

That being said, some minor customisation for the MC would be nice. That curly hair is really messy, and not really fitting of his heritage, but hey.


Thanks a lot! Really glad you've enjoyed it so much.

The hair of the MC gets commented on a lot. Unfortunately customization is a little hard in this setup, but certainly something to think about in future games.

i completely agree 100%

ive tried to download the newest version and when i try to open it i keep getting plague i need to uninstall the whole game?  would i lose my saves?  this is for android.


Amazing game by the way.  will be signing in for patreon.

(1 edit) (+1)

An uninstall is recommended, but please backup your saves before doing so. They can be found here: SD:/Android/data/com.perverteer.tftuv/files/saves/

Thanks for becoming a patron!


Hey, wanted to let you know that the story is sick and the graphics are also great, overall it's a very good game. Also, just wanted to know when will the next episode be out?


Thanks! Next episode will be out here on February 21.

(1 edit) (+1)

Does it have spanish language support?

Not yet, I'm afraid.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game was a pleasant surprise !

There's a few things, tho; i believe "you can say that again" is a bit overused lol. I found the portuguese translation(I'm a native speaker) overly formal and a bit overwhelming(?) at times, i ended up just playing it in english.

That aside, great work ! Amazing plot ! Is it just me, or it is heavily inspired by mass effect ? The visuals are incredible, the character development is incredible! I can't wait for the next update !


Thanks! I'll have a look at the "you can say that again" occurrences,  sometimes a phrase like that gets stuck in your head.

Shame about the Portuguese translation. In what way would you say it's overwhelming? I'll pass your feedback on to my translator.

Thanks for the great review! Mass Effect is an influence, but I mostly draw inspiration from novels like the ones from the Vorkosigan saga series and other space opera.

Well,  i don't know specifically since I've played it in English but, here's a few things;

In the main menu, "save" is missing translation.

"preferences" would be better translated to "opções"(options).

"Location" is missing translation, in the very first scene.

Some character titles are missing translation like "unknown" or "bodyguard".

In the prologue the cyborg says "minhas orelhas se danificam quando o grande urso ruge"("my ears shatter as the great bear roars") and that is just wrong, lol. They translated "ears" literally. "Ouvido" would be a better alternative to "orelhas" it would fit in much better in that context. 

To summarize, PT-BR is a language which the context of the dialogues needs to be adapted to. Translating them literally won't make much sense to the reader. Or at least they won't get the message as you intend it.

I'm gonna replay it in portuguese, if something else comes up I'll let you know.


Thanks for getting back to me. The first few problems are probably my fault and I think they're fixed in Episode 12. As I understood, Portuguese is quite finicky, also when it comes to gendered words. I'd be interested in anything else you find.

Deleted 2 years ago

Great job

having trouble finding the jumping on jade scene

i've tried going back and choosing different choices assuming it's just some subtle choice in the previous episodes requiring to trigger it.  but haven't seemed to have found it 


That scene will be easier to reach in the upcoming update. Basically you shouldn't decline sex with Jade just before Céline catches you with her.


thank you for responding so quickly, especially considering how busy you must be.

I had tried previously before posting here to accept jade's invitation but it resulted in no change, I also just skipped through that part right now accepting jade invitation to validate my claim and to prevent unnecessary complications in the event I was mistaken, but it still resulted in no change.

thank you for acknowledging my feedback

(btw your work is truly a masterpiece, when it comes to the quality and size of these projects it's quite impressive to think assumingly only a single person is developing it, these are easily the best VN's I've seen)

thank you for doing what you do  

Thanks for the kind words!


Came for sex stayed for the plot

(1 edit) (+4)

This is an amazing VN game. What I find most unexpected is that although I'm very much enjoying the sex scenes of course, the quality of the story and storytelling is such that I now totally can't wait to see what's next.

Leading me to the biggest downside there for many people : we can't wait ! Stop eating or sleeping !! Joking of course, but this is very good quality work. Thank you !

Oh and one last thing, in the "wish" section (even if you confirmed it already) : can't wait to see Rahia again, and Erylin to put her down. Could "adopt" her daughter while we're at it...


So I played v0.11 the day it came out and was just doing another run from the very beginning of the game while I was sitting here bored and tweaking some of my choices and there was one thing I really wish I could do. That's to take Caese with us on our escape. A couple of months ago you commented on another post of mine about potentially revisiting some characters and I really hope she's one we aren't leaving behind for good. I don't expect a solid answer. I'm not asking for spoilers or anything, but I really felt like she was s such a strong character. And the bond she had with Nadya along with what happened in the cave, it made it feel like she would totally be down to run with us if we could have asked. It's a testament to how much I enjoy this game that I care even this much about so many side characters. It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm already feeling the wait.


Yes, the Acarhyn (including Rahia, Caese and Erylin) will return at some point. Your choices in the past few episodes will determine how friendly that meetup will be. ;) Hope you enjoy what's coming!


Thanks for the reply! I'm sure I'll enjoy the next chapter. Again, kudos on making me go from wanting to just scorched earth all the Acarhyn to actually caring about them. Rahia, included, to the point where I keep going back and forth on if I should go solo for the hunt or partner with the warriors as my main play through. You really made the warrior women interesting and got me to like them... except Erylin, I still want to see her get her comeuppance (aka justice from the barrel of my rifle). But who knows, with the quality of character building and story telling you have I may end up finally having a turn for her as well... doubt it, but we'll see.

Esta traducido al español 

Not yet, unfortunately.

What kind of system is required for the game, does it work with a bad computer?

It works on fairly low-end hardware, Windows Vista and up are supported by the engine.

Thanks for the reply


Fantastic game - fun story, likable characters with personalities beyond just wanting to fuck you, and a well delivered setting.  I gladly paid money for this and look forward to the next chapter.


it stopped at eps. 9 in my android

Great game so far but why does it crash so much? Like in the middle of playing it just crashes out of nowhere. Plz help.

Is there a traceback.txt or log.txt in the game directory? If so, could you post its contents?

what's that & how do I find it

Those are log files and are in the game directory, unless you're playing on Android.

Yh I play on android


Lack of RAM or disk space could be an issue in that case.

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