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I love this game.  I'm excited to participate.  Looking forward to more.  I'm dying for more Eva, spent the game just wanting to find and do nasty things to my favorite sister.  Ce and Lilly are grand though, but gotta get more of that E!  Story is great too, I love how the crew shapes out and even enjoy the turn around of someone like Thim. 

what is the playtime? 12 hours or more?


The game currently contains over 200.000 words, so depending on how fast you read that estimate might be accurate.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you. I was asking because the average session time said half an hour. lol. Ive been beating visual novels left and right, having to wait on the next update. Need something new that will give me more hours.

Ah right, I think average session time is based on reading one episode, but half an hour is on the low end in that case


Great work! Loving it so far, and loving the futa stuff as well, cheers.


fantastic update! really interested to see where everyone's stories go, but especially Ziv, Vess, Eva, and Raene. Really, though, all the characters are vying for gold for me because they all feel fun and interesting and compelling. It doesn't feel like there are any "repeats" in the personalities or dispositions of the main group and that's REAL impressive, given the size of the cast. I am digging that it feels like you can watch the MC softening and learning, and one thing you do that I really dig: in sex scenes, even though we the player are making choices, in-game the choices are often expressed as the MC's partner's desires or preferences, which I really appreciate. One question: I've been really enjoying that the MC and Thim can soften and enjoy a friendship, are there any plans for any MC/Thim scenes? Can. Not. Wait. to see where the story's going. Thank you again!


Working hard on more content at the moment. Thim and the MC will have a moment in Episode 12. There are no plans for M/M sexual content though, so it's going to stay platonic between them.


Real shame about no M/M, bc I also lowkey ship Camran with Thim.


This is really good stuff.  Love the sisters.  Eva is the bomb.


I can't unlock the Jade scenes as I don't get prompted to visit her in this episode. Did I miss something somewhere?

(1 edit)

a few chapters back you can choose how to go with her. Romantic or slave. both again have a scene in episode 11 depending what you chose.


yeah I remember that but she's not showing up at all in 11 for me. Weird.

Should be when you board the ship and you can choose to talk to people. is weird indeed.

yeah I have everyone that's supposed to be there but her. I did use a mod the first playthrough. I will just start over without the mod. Maybe that's the problem.

Deleted the game, did a clean install and everything works now!


Wow chapter 11, shit has hit the fan. Wow I'm amazing. Great work!

Wait is v0.12 out in android?? If not why does it show v0.12 under android at the main page of this game?

The version numbering doesn't follow the official version numbers. v0.11 is the latest release for all platforms.

Hi! New to visual novels and found your previous work. I'm enjoying it and have found it to be a great way to practice my Spanish with the Spanish translation. Do you have an ESP translation planned for this story as well?

Nobody has come forward with a Spanish translation, unfortunately. But I'd love to include one.


just put 'a' or 'o' at the end of each wordo

The Portuguese translation is without subtitles!!


The translation of Episode 11 wasn't finished on time, it will be included in the next release.


Another update.... Yeeh :) I enjoyed it, once again. It was a good episode, the story really lifted off (Litterly ;) ) and am curious to where it goes next. My only (usual) "complains" are that it was to short (Cries.. i want more.. ;) )  and i always want more Raene story, and am always sad if it's just a few nods to her (Her dad's a dick by still calling her a boy.... a-hole).. So more Raene pls <3

Thnx for the awesome work. :) Keep it up ^^


More Raene is incoming! She has one of the storylines I enjoy writing very much.

Hey is there something wrong with the android files or is it just my phone, it won't let me open the android version after I download, says corrupted file can not be open.


Could you perhaps try this direct download link?

Okay, thank you.  When I downloaded it from Mega it seems to work fine.

A tradução em português está sem legenda!!


"The extermination of the Undrea's blight upon the Acarhyn lands has ended!"



"The extermination of the Undrea has ended this blight upon the Acarhyn lands!"


"The extermination of the Undrea has ended it's assault upon the Acarhyn lands!" (maybe rampage or attack?  "Blight" doesn't really fit a large monster tearing stuff up)

Does this have Watersports/urination content, like how Sisterly Lust did?

If so it's definetly on my to-do list ;) <3

Also, as a separate question, is there even a slight chance of you making a variant with a non-human male main character? Or at least one with a non-human penis

Your content is amazing, but I wish there was a way to change the human penis to something more pleasing for me

(A female main character would be great too, but I bet that's way too much to ask for an already in progress game... Maybe the next game though, hopefully?)

Either way, great work! <3

Watersports content, similar to what's in Sisterly Lust, is planned. There's one bonus scene with urination and Episode 12 will have a full scene with urination.

As for variant MCs, that's a little hard to pull off unfortunately and would require a lot of rerendering old scenes.

Okay, that makes sense! Not a dealbreaker at all, I'll be paying attention to this game as it gets updates!

Crossing my finger for next game having a non-human option for main character =D <3

Despite a lot of negative comments, I really enjoyed what I played of the game so far. Although the MC is arrogant at times I think this adds to the story; its different than a normal MC in most of the games I've played. The art work is amazing!!! Hats off to you and your team 
Perverteer, y'all are doing a fantastic job and keep up the great work and disregard all the negative naysayers!


Thanks! The idea is that the MC slowly becomes less of an arrogant prick over time, but I'm glad you enjoyed the game regardless!


You're welcome the game is amazing!!!!

When will TFTUV latest chapter update come??


The release is tomorrow.


Thanks for your gd work.

Deleted 1 year ago

How did you treat her before you went to the facility and during/after? I think to romance her you also need to make the right choice at the facility.


I knew that this one wasn't for me when I found myself hoping that the major villain figure would catch up to the main character and end him. The MC, as presented, comes across as an entitled, arrogant douche who's nowhere nearly as clever as he thinks he is. Every NPC character around him is more interesting and/or more likeable than he is, and why they follow him so readily is inobvious at best. Plus, he's a massive hypocrite: he rips on the Earth stellar government for turning a race of peaceable aliens into sex-slaves, yet he owns one. His excuse? "Well, all the rich Terrans like me own one" and "My parents gave her to me." And yet, when the story quickly moves beyond Earth space, never once does he say "Hey, how about I free you, and you can become regular crew?" Thomas Jefferson much, d-bag? Yeah, yeah, I know, "It's just a fap game" people will say, but it obviously wants to be something a bit more than that as well. This just doesn't work when the main character you're supposed to be playing comes across as such a constantly irredeemable tool.


Seems to me like you may not have played much of the game. Your problem is that the MC doesn't start out perfect but has an actual character arch and growth which is rare in these types of games. That's just odd to me. Not to mention you can kind of pick if he is a dick to people or not even in the early game, so there's that too...

And you other big issue, of him sort of owning a slave while having a problem with it, is literally brought up in the game in the latest update depending on how you play the MC.

I find it ironic.... one might say, hypocritical, to criticize the game for having a character with flaws that has to grow, when removing those flaws turns him into the carbon copy "perfect" MC most "fap games," as you put it, have.

I really love this game 1 played 1-10 and couldnt wait for 11 but 11 wont play and i cant understand why 1-10 played fine


can you link your patreon to your account so it is less of a hassle to get to it

Hi! I downloaded the game yesterday, played with it and tried to install a mod to it to help with the choices (used unren and the modified game library). It didnt work, so I deleted the game and made a fresh install. Downloaded it from this site, extracted and will not start. Please see error message down:

Could you please help me what could be the problem?

Thank you!


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

After initialization, but before game start.

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 80, in _init_language


  File "game/screens.rpy", line 152, in <module>

AttributeError: 'Preferences' object has no attribute 'say_screen_visibility'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 326, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 617, in main


  File "renpy/", line 78, in run


  File "renpy/translation/", line 561, in init_translation # @UndefinedVariable

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 80, in _init_language


  File "renpy/translation/", line 645, in change_language

    new_change_language(tl, language)

  File "renpy/translation/", line 607, in new_change_language


  File "renpy/", line 2626, in apply

    value = renpy.python.py_eval(expr)

  File "renpy/", line 2249, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 152, in <module>

AttributeError: 'Preferences' object has no attribute 'say_screen_visibility'



Tales From The Unending Void 0.10

Fri Nov 26 10:28:28 2021


That's probably a left-over bit from the mod. Ren'Py, the game's framework, keeps a few files in the saves directory (%APPDATA%/RenPy/TalesFromTheUnendingVoid). You could try and move or delete that directory and see if the game runs.


Thank you for the help! I really like both of your games! Looking forward for the next episode!


I can't wait for the next chapter


great work dude keep it up

So far this game is amazing, one of the best VN I've played. So much effort and care is going into this game that it is worth a try and when completed worth giving some coin to (and if you have the cash to spare even tossing a coin or two to your witcher... I mean developer is worth it). If it ends up half as good as Sisterly Lust (probably *the* best VN I've played) it'll be really good. And Perverteer has the fact that they finished one VN as a badge of honor in my mind. So many VN's end up rushed at best or unfinished with only a "season 1" or something and a bunch of people who got duped.

Question if I may: any plans to release the finished product on Steam with Achievements?

One thing story-wise I hope for is some follow up and fallout from our lengthy "involuntary confinement" and all the... *cough* actions *cough* we took with ladies before hand... wink wink, nudge nudge... get what I'm saying?


Glad to hear you enjoyed both of my games so much! As for your questions:

- Yes, I'm going to publish this game on Steam (if they allow me). The game has three acts and with Episode 11 we're nearing the end of the first act. I'll probably publish that first act on steam and offer the remaining acts as DLC in the future.

- It would be a shame not to revisit a couple of those women we've encountered so far... ;)

(3 edits)

i really dislike the business model that seems to be evolving for these kinda games, dividing them up into acts/seasons, etc.
BUT, in this case, for the first dozen or so parts are in fact long enough to become one act, a rare thing.. 
if you were to make sure there are no cliffhangers, and the immediate story plotline is all resolved, and the DLC is pretty much a standalone story, then i have no arguments, and would be happy to purchase a 2nd act as "DLC".
i imagine you have three complete stories in mind - the escape/rescue, the return journey home, and the confrontation with the powers that be/return to grace. fair enough. makes sense to divide them given that the story has been written in long form, not short-story form. 
(i mean, DLC should also be bonus content. not just charging people again just to be able to complete the game, which is what a lot of the other authors now using this model are doing).
~just my 2 cents worth, love the story!


Yeah, I get what you're saying. Some game seem to embrace the whole episodic thing a little too eagerly. I was on the fence about the whole acts/season decision, but if I wait until the entire story is complete it will be several years before there's a proper release here and on Steam. And as you say, there's quite a bit of content in those 12 episodes already. ;) Episode 12 will be a two-parter, in order to resolve a big plot thread.

Very cute and high-quality character models. I notice many authors have similar ones. Is there some kind of program for such 3d models, or is everyone trying to stick to the same style?

There is also the problem of frequent departures on android.


DAZ3D and the Iray render engine are used to create these images.


I downloaded 0.10 version however it has 2 application files which one do i use tftuv.exe or tftuv-32.exe

Probably tftuv.exe if you have a 64-bit system.

I played the 11th episode twice but I still can't get the jumping on jade scence to trigger 🥺 HELP!

You mean the 11th episode which hasn't been released here yet?

(1 edit)

I got it from Patreon.

Never mind I remembered her history.

Hey! I too played but couldn't trigger jade's scenes, what is the history you are talking about? what did I miss?

There are 2 paths for jade hard and soft.

any clue as to when a new chapter will come?


Episode 11 was released for patrons on Patreon and SubscribeStar just today. The public release will be on December 17.

oh man i cant get subscribe  star to work lol


Probably the best VN I've played on this site. Fucking phenomenal, well done! Had a few questions, if it's alright: any chance of one of the R'o women from Episode 2 joining the crew in future Episodes? Also, is Raene wearing something on her dick? Cause it seems like every time we see her in underwear or a swimsuit it seems like there's something like ON her junk, though it may just be something in the render. 
Welp, done with my inappropriate questions, at least for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else in the near future to ask. Thank you so much for all the love and work you've clearly put into this game, and I cannot wait to see the next Episode!


Glad to hear you enjoyed the game so much. There won't be any permanent additions among the crew beyond who's already travelling with the MC. I can confirm though, that the R'o will return at some point in the story.

Raene isn't wearing a chastity cage or anything. ;) Might be a bit of deformity because of the bulging I needed to apply on the underwear/bikini bottom. Most clothing assets don't account for trans characters.

Hope you enjoy what's coming next!


Hah! Yeah, I was thinking cage or, like, jewelry? but I was like "if it was like a cage, it'd definitely be listed in the Kinks List, so it's not that" lol. And it's a bummer the clothing assets are more of a headache on trans characters, but it makes sense unfortunately. Hopefully it's something that gets better as people develop more assets with trans characters in mind.

Makes a lot of sense there wouldn't be any permanent additions, given you're already juggling a lot of characters, and juggling them well, too boot! Looking forward to the next release!

Anyone got a link to the title screen music?


its called Icarus by Scott Buckley


Im not sure Ive ever hated a MC more than the absolute toolbag that is this game's protagonist. The creativity and art is top notch, but holy crap man. Its like you wanted us to hate the guy


I respectfully disagree. For the type of story being told, I can't really imagine the MC being much different and I like the story.

I wouldn't say I hate the main character, but I agree with the original comment in the sense that there are moments when he says/does some surprisingly dickish things and can be an asshole pretty often 

(1 edit)

I might have misunderstood the insult tool/toolbag all my life. Thought it meant easily bossed around/manipulated/unable to stand up for yourself.

What's some dickish things he does without player input? Can't really recall any on the spot. 

Putting a  S P O I L E R   W A R N I N G   for your response in case anyone is reading along.


if you want to hate an MC play Lessons in Love


This was fantastic. I played SL first and that brought me here SL was so good that I went ahead and donated before even trying this but man it was worth every penny. Better than I could have imagined. Will be supporting future releases and look forward to Chapter 11.


Woah... This blows all other adult VN's well out of the water. I highly recommend picking this up!

So an last update. After you told me that there is a choice which isn't shown I tried to choose and it worked. I could take a path It wasn't just visible. I can now play again. But thx for your reply and help

I'm glad to hear that. On what device are you playing the game? Or did you press the "H" key by mistake, which causes the entire UI to disappear (pressing "H" again will make everything appear again).

I'm playing on a Huawei p30 pro 👍

Hi there. First, thank you for these games (SL and TFTUV). I love them, and they're very well done (technically as well as artistically).

Regarding Renar86's issue, I've had the same problem, and it took me a bit to figure it out.

The dialog choices are actually there, but the dialog font and the background behind are really of almost the same colour, rendering the dialog choices almost invisible. I had to play with my phone's luminosity and tilting it to a certain angle to distinguish the dialog choices.

Hope that can help.

Thanks Kuntris! I'll look into the problem. Normally, there should be a black box drawn around the choices to make them more legible.

Hello in this game can be gay? If not, is there any Android game that can be gay?

In this game you play a cis male who has the option of banging mostly cis women. You'll find one transwoman and a couple of alien futanari to fuck meaning there's dick if you want it, but no men per se.

Try the search function on the itchio site:

(5 edits)

There's quite a few gay romance games and explicit gay games out there. But I'm only aware of one good (although YMMV) SF game with both explicit sex scenes and gay options, Space Corps XXX. It seems to be trying to include every sexual orientation and almost every legal kink known to man as well as invent a few. 

There are a few other good SF games on here with a gay option that I know of, but none of those have explicit set scenes. Planet Stronghold 2 and Andromeda 6 are both pretty good, just no explicit sex scenes

EDIT: IIRC Starship Inanna, another good game, gives you the option of being bisexual and it might be possible to avoid most sexual encounters with women and follow a gay path, haven't tried.


I've got a bug in the cave with Nadya. When camran is cleaning her back with one step the dialog will not continue. Everything I've done do not make any difference. Even changing some choices before won't help. Have you got an idea? 

Won't care to restart the game, but I don't know if that happened before. 

Greets Renar

At which point does the dialogue stop? After making the choice to "Go on" or "Stop"?

(2 edits)

The last choice before is with caese 'get angry' or 'remain calm' the last line I get is 'she shivered as I touched her back to remove....' 

I was really surprised about your fast reply. The game is really good. Hope I can fix that 😅

(1 edit)

Thanks! The game should display two choices after that line, "Stop" or "Go on", but you're not getting those options if I'm reading your reply correctly?

Yes, I don't get those options to choose. Unfortunately

On what device are you playing the game and do you have any mods installed (like a walkthrough mod or something similar)?


You have made a fan out of me. Any way i can help with current/future projects let me know. 


Glad to hear that! Always looking for help, you can hit me up on Discord via DM or via if you like.


So good, the only downside is that the episodes feel very short. Keep at it man, nice job.

Hello! How do I update the game with my current saves? Do I need to delete the last version I downloaded? 

I didn't. I kept both in two different but adjacent folders:

tales-from-the-unending-void-win-linux\TFTUV-0.9-Uncensored Edition (PC)


tales-from-the-unending-void-win-linux\TFTUV-0.10-Uncensored Edition (PC)

 I then ran the game from 0.10 and it managed to find the saves from 0.9. It seems to place new saves you then make in the 0.10 folder (game -> saves).

I haven't tried, but I think you can just move over the saves from 0.9 to 0.10 and then delete the entire 0.9 folder. 

(4 edits) (+1)

The saves for any Renpy game are stored in the %appdata%/Renpy folders. even deleting you old file before downloading the new one shoudn't affect your saves. The new folder should automaticaly take the saves from there.

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